AOL App For Android
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
295 results found
Instead of making me "upgrade" the aol email page which ONLY showed emailz I know have to put up with a (expletive deleted) home page
not interested in upgrade
Where is the comments section like on the website? What settings do I have to set in order to read and post comments?
where is the option to show the comments section in the news feed?
I'd really like to be able to set aol to open in a particular email section, particularly 'spam' . Thanks
It's better for me if I check and clear spam daily - it's overwhelming on the occasions when I realise something important might have arrived and suddenly I have dozens to check through and often I can't be sure that the sender's name will be instantly obvious. Thanks
I'm paying for my AOL account and I'm signed up for AARP thru my account but you are not paying AARP. Why not?
Just pay for my AARP like you agreed.
allow email filtering to send to another email and use a specific sound by filter.
filters to send specific emails to another account or a mailbox both with a selected sound. same could work with weather or news buy subject matter. could be tornado, torrential storm etc. or buy a specific stock or word or both. that would be awesome!
Bruce:: AOL needs more info on your suggestion. thank you.
if you force an option to be made such as Remind Me Later, then also include No. AOL is going down the toilet the last 7 years.
i hate humans
humans suck
i am German. the e- Mails are ok. but suddenly the news are all in english and Come from the USA. please! send me the german news in german
see above. "go to settings" ?? what do you mean? how ?? where is it ??
i did it. nothing further on to see! is it a joke? -
Can you please remove the weather add from my in box etc it is very disturbing
I do not want adds or anything adding to my email please in there or anywhere please I wish not
alteração de telefone
alteração de telefone
remove the shortcut to compose or make it optional...presently it's in the way to show dates of receipt of emails for me to send for proof.
the pen in a bubble has to go
Delete this annoying app as soon as possible
Annoying as ****, my phone can't delete this trash so I'm using the big guns. TOTAL TRASH
Stop sending me anything until Covid 19 is over. My depression is out of control.
Stop sending please
remember that the works does not revolve around the USA. Also, stop your videos from auto playing and I HATE ADVERTS!
Have bodies not auto starting as the default setting.
it would be nice to see how many devices I'm logged into and if AOL desktop is being used for my account I do not use the aol desktop
improve the aol app
network transparency for this account deactivation settings sign out verifying account with personal number.--thanks
network transparency
- Don't see your idea?