AOL App For Android
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
4116 results found
Proof read the articles. "Pride drop"? Mostly fluff.
More detail than what? You wanted my opinion now you want more detail. Ok. Stop being a pain and post the comment.
Dropbox integration please & other cloud storage services
Desperately needed is Dropbox and other cloud storage services integration into the AOL email app please
I cannot read your printed News Post without voice it is too fast and is too small to read. takes me forever by enlarging the screen
instead of printing it have somebody tell the story
Do a Bigfoot feature.
These days, times everyone has a cellphone with a camera. Someone out there has got to have a picture of Bigfoot.
Better work en the pague
better w
don't use so many swear words
'how to avoid baggage charges' - any need for so much bad language? bloody, ****** is bad enough but the c word. Really?
- Don't see your idea?