Stop being so libral.
Middle of the road.
anonymously commented
Not Journalism but Opinions
jerro commented
ExtremE Far Left Biased
Scott commented
being real
tom eubanks commented
***** the left wing rag Huffington post. get a real and honest news source if there any left!!?
Simon Yefrem commented
How refreshing it would be if you would quit being so one sided and rather objective. Call out Biden and Clinton for their wrong doings if you have the balls and quit making Trump look like the corrupt president while the left is getting away with murder.
Anonymous commented
opt out option request
Judge Mental commented
DIRE leftie "journalism"
Anonymous commented
only post portions of interest to me. like: Democrats, bits and pieces of news. Not a whole lot I watch news on TV.
Anonymous commented
Stop the liberal ********
hem commented
you think your biased reporting is so subtle that people do not realize it. However, it is very obvious and you should be ashamed of yourself. I an looking for alternative news sources.
Dan fucking Jayne you bastards commented
you pieces of **** going **** yourself
barb commented
Joy Chambers commented
Sick of you trashing our President!!
Anonymous commented
being an independent, you guys only seem to print allegations if there's a republican involved... why not get some answers about the lies Adam Schiff told in front of the Senate...or the masoginistic statements by a young Bernie Sanders or Michael Bloomberg...or the lies Elizabeth Warren has told trying to get the sympathy vote...your one sided press is driving me and many other independents to the GOP... ironically they're going to get the "sympathy" vote.
curt commented
too biased
Anonymous commented
I guess I need a fat crayon to draw it out for you.
Walter Naftzger commented
Hire fair Epoch Times writers!!
Don't make up slanted reports!
Anonymous commented
stop being left wing trump haters.
Anonymous commented
self explanatory