Stop being so libral.
Middle of the road.
Anonymous commented
I DO NOT want to see feeds from Fox News. It is not news but commentary & lies. If you continue to display FOX NEWS, I will not use AOL News as my primary source. Allow users to delete undesired News sources (i.e., personalize news sources). Thank you.
Sixxer7 commented
News Preference
Anonymous commented
stop with liberal biased "news" and get rid of new mail/ old mail But you won't change either because you really don't Care for
Anonymous commented
more options
Anonymous commented
if I have to see one more today show headline or trump court headline I'm going to lose my mind
Anonymous commented
Un known resources posting fake news
Vince commented
left wing Pravda propaganda VS
Anonymous commented
Everytime I go to check my email I have to look at more than one anti Trump news story, it's not right in my view.
Anonymous commented
stop pandering to libs, be more fair in choosing news
Anonymous commented
partisan politics
Anonymous commented
AOL represents far LEFT
agendas. -
Anonymous commented
AOL news - get rid of this liberal garbage news. I just want my email
I don't want your perverted take in the news. -
Anonymous commented
let us post our opinions about the lies you spread
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
stop anti trump ****,and woke ****, or lose a customer. ME !
Ken commented
my idea is pretty plain. quit hating on anyone that's not democrat.
Albert Morse commented
Providing only one political view is censorship. The freedom of speech and the press is an American value. The refusal to provide opposing views prohibits the vigorous debate and discussion. If I am scared my political position will not stand up to debate I don't debate. I think this is the position of AOL. The leadership of AOL doesn't want their political position challenged.
Anonymous commented
**** Joe Bidumn
Toni commented
lüge und Hetze gegen Trump
Anonymous commented
get out of bed with the propaganda news feed