Stop being so libral.
Middle of the road.
none commented
unbiased news
Please provide all news no ***** -
KK commented
poor news section
anon commented
that's all
Nicole M. commented
You're biased against conservatives and I'm sick and tired of seeing it every time I try to check my mail.
Anonymous commented
I want my app to default to email upon opening. REMOVE NEWS PLEASE
Anonymous commented
get rid of tabloids. email only
Anonymous commented
it is such garbage
dondadda commented
go woke and go broke AOL
Frank commented
disgusting biased news.
JV commented
You're spreading hate
Anonymous commented
Get unwoke!
Anonymous commented
they dont care or even listen better talking to a brick wall with them
Anonymous commented
neutral AOL
Vince commented
AOL news is radical left communist news
fuk you commented
lies and garbage. democratic propganda
Dan G* commented
The Anti-Truth Movement. It is so obvious that this News is part of the Stop Him From Being The President Movement. I mean come on now you never have anything to say about the Man but negativity. You suppose to report the News not make up what News to support your views.
Anonymous commented
get woke, go broke.
Anonymous commented
liberal bs
larry commented
go back to russia
phorgrlz commented
Yahoo News liberal propaganda