with your news stories, you need to make sure the video above the story, actually matches the story.

kh commented
news pages don't load properly have to sign out and back in again especially to see video articles
Helen commented
I don't speak Spanish. Why do you put so much Spanish language ads on AOL. Isn't there a Spanist version?
Anonymous commented
that's the most frustrating thing
Anonymous commented
I no longer waste my time reading AOL articles due to the pictures and videos having nothing to do with the topic.
lou commented
your baiting and switching
Anonymous commented
Videos hardly ever match the content of the article. Sometimes being wildly off. Frequently articles have no substance, being barely more than a long-winded restatement of the headline with no additional supporting content/evidence. If you're going to have algorithms scout content, please have an actual intelligent human proofread it before funneling it to your app.