Quit posting fake news Especially articles that intend to make things look like racism
Case commented
Put feel good stories in. There is so much bad in the world. Your fake news about Trump doesn't change my mind about who I will vote for.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
I'm tired of fake, misleading, and cherry-picked news. Report the entire story, not bits to give an untrue report. There is very little credibility left in journalism and what the media outlets are doing is making it worse.
Anonymous commented
fake news
Anonymous commented
your fake news suck
Anonymous commented
concerned about fake news
Anonymous commented
quit calling them protesters, when they are obviously rioters. Protesters don't burn police cars or destroy statues and monuments. It doesn't matter the color...
Daniel Cutro commented
anonymous commented
not the truth
what!? don't like truth?
Nan commented
Agreed...we have evolved FAR AWAY from those old stereotypes. Everyone is protected and respected here.
April commented
I am with the last guy and go **** yourself!
go fuck yourself commented
how about stop ******* lying before you get people killed
any American commented
This app stinks as does AOL.
Anonymous commented
and report only Trump's worst errors ... reporting a weakness of his every day is boring and makes us miss the ones that matter (and of course the horrific possibility of him occasionally doing good things) and reveals ur bias.
Anonymous commented
Report news not liberal agendas.
jon commented
Real News
leavemealone commented
you guys are closet marxists
Anonymous commented
You communist dirtbags. Go live in cuba
Anonymous commented
World news not fake news.