Quit posting fake news Especially articles that intend to make things look like racism
Albert commented
agreed. either switch to fox, or make a way to shut off the news feed entirely. that would be preferable.
Al commented
Slanted News feed, AOL is obvious
Anonymous commented
AOL is fake news!
co1knight commented
Keep getting messages that I request to end account- I did not request any action.
Toni j vanveen commented
AOL is too far liberal left
mr.B commented
Stop with ur fake news ********.we are tired of the BS you the media reports.Do your home work.Dont make the ???? up.
Joe spit the ragman commented
hats recognizing their support of the president. Not your normal TDS reporting.
Anonymous commented
your anti American
mr.B commented
FAKE News AOL commented
The Ukraine story is not debunked just because you and the fake news say it is. Biden and his kid are crooks, liars and should be in jail. If a republican had done this you would be screaming for them to be prosecuted. Biden himself was caught on camera talking about his role in the Ukrainian ordeal and was not a positive for him.
Cindy commented
Too liberal and fake
Anonymous commented
Exactly about ready to switch email provider.
Anonymous commented
Your leftist bias is so bad I don't want to use my AOL account any more!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Cheryl commented
Continue to post truths about racism in America.
Anonymous commented
Your correct, they need to get Huffington the hate mongeral off of writing fake news.
Anonymous commented
AOL IS FAKE NEWS commented
gigi commented
fake news