make it easy to contact AOL. Make online help FREE, we already pay for the app. can't sign in on my phone. why?

My. Upset commented
A post with no results other than dead end posting!
My. Upset commented
After I deleted my emails I was no longer able to sign in with my password. Why are you blocking me and requiring me to go to you site when you created the problem? Please fix and not explain to me what I have to do when only used cell my cell phone. And now I can't receive emails on my cell phone from my aol ******.com.
Further more I am forced to reveal my email on this post because you have no email for support that to sent it to. An no I my not going to call and pushing X times buttons until I reach some one and then have to wait. Fix the problem because you created it.
I have to accept your terms and condition, just another barrier to show you sloppy work. Poor ideas and programing make for poor customers.