Respect the election
Respect the election
warith akbar commented
My name is Global AMBASSADOR US / Investigator Reporter group out of Seattle WA.
This groups I developing because it seems like there great evil around us the public has no clue about where my job is to give the world a birds eye view of what life like tracking crimes against humanity future .This groups job is interesting because it's not actually a group of people it's a group of data that tracking my code of ethics and developing packages so leader can have a fighting chance.
So today I will like my data to start a investigation on Oil spill that been happening since the 50s
I have reason to believe members of the GOP and Trump or and Affiliate are responsible for these attacks. I also believe that it's very possible Trump org is Isis Christian terrorist group developed to wage war on Muslims around the world and spread misinformation to attacks Muslims and whoever they deem enemies of the super rich.
All my accounts are hacked and over a trillion in Democratic fundraiser are missing.
As well US has lost trillion in infrastructure damage because GOP has been allowing India to hack are federal gov and sit in board seat on the trade commission etcThese facts is happening. If I have to go hungry every night because I do my job I'm going to make the biggest water gate investigation the world has never seen.
God's speed to this message for in it these top secret information in it and because enemies of America blocked me from calling the white house or fbi because all my calls are forwarded to a Indian call center I have to go load
State development arrest Trump and seizes
All his data . As well block all transactions from ethereum and
Trump or
As well as Trump Swiss accounts are definitely man targets of seazre . What your really interested in those Swiss accounts is the old money. Older the accounts the deeper the lie . The rich also hide there money in sister none profit org are research Institutes that just a scam to act like there the good guy. O and alot of the Software company the CIA and News agency US as a source has been know deemed as none affective for the rich has control of that data .
Those of you aware of this at the start department and the FBI it might be wise to do your job. You work for the American people . Not the rich .
We the people are asking you to arrest anyone responsible for US oil rig and hired hijacker cargo shipsSpecial forces Unit this data actual and is raw data.
As well it been developed outside of the misinformation global threat.Meaning to protect the global infrastructure and the civilizations in it you have a go mission.
As of 6:52 west coast time Global Federal Adviser asking all special forces Unit to go off grid and develop a target package for the President of United States forb