stop posting about Meghan Markle and Kamala Harris.
Meghan Markle is a professional black woman when it gets her press - the rest of the time she presents as a white woman. she knows nothing about racial injustice, she has never lived in a black neighborhood nor gone to a black school nor have black children.
Kamala Harris is anti- Christian , anti-semitic , anti USA, racist anti - white woman. she is also a liar and a hypocrite. she claims to be anti - death penalty all her adult life but is 100% pro - abortion. she thinks murderers should hang out in luxury jails but its mandatory to murder any child not yet born. she says shes black but her maternal family are 100% from India. so Harris lies about her heritage - shes mixed race at best.
please take these 2 lying , using part black women off my news feed. thanks