I want the option to bypass your"news" and go straight to mail.
Allow me to retrieve my mail without having to see your biased headlines.

Anonymous commented
I hate this new format. The other one was so much easier.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
the worst format!
Anonymous commented
I'm pretty sure the old app allowed where to open the app
Anonymous commented
I do not like the new format at all. I hate being made to look at "news" before my email. Most of it I would not even call news. It's tabloid junk. Lastly, I can no longer easily tell the difference between my email and the ads. It is terrible, not customer friendly at all.
Anonymous commented
Do NOT CARE about BOZO BIDEN & HIS ******** !!!!
Bill Ford commented
can't find folders of saved mail.
what have you done! -
Gill commented
Always on your news, lets go back to the emails first.
Anonymous commented
sue commented
open to inbox not news
Anonymous commented
sue commented
open to inbox, not news
Barbara commented
I like the old format,why can't we have a choice?
Anonymous commented
in your transition several of my folders have disapeared
David & Marty Schindler commented
the old way is the best
Anonymous commented
for definite. sick of having to click on email. can see my using my gmail account more and binning this one
Janie commented
I agree whole heartedly.
Patricia M. commented
Please allow an option to open directly to email without having to switch from the home page news. Absolutely do not like this new format. Too busy visually, too many convoluted steps to do what I want/need to do.
Anonymous commented
I agree. I like the old version
Simz commented
I only want eMail
set Default to Email.
allow users to disable News, etc