New system is a nightmare! I have over 300 emails in my inbox because even when I spend a half hour deleteing them they will be back again
the next day. Also my friend and I have had AOL forever but with new system the links he sends now show up in black, not blue and I can no longer click on them to go to the site. So frustrated I would move to Gmail if I could without a major disruption in my life. Makes me yearn for the "You've got mail 📬 days" Blessings to you all because I'm sure the last year's have been challenging even behind the scenes. Peace 🕊️ out.

Hi there, I’m sorry to hear that! We’d like to further investigate this, can you message us directly on Twitter at @AOLSupportHelp or on Facebook on our AOL Customer Care page? In case you do not have a social media account, please contact us at
Thank you!