when replying to an email on my Samsung phone, it is annoying (especially on long emails) as it flips to the bottom of the message.
Reply to email

joann commented
suky aol
Steven Oberndorf commented
reply function unworkable
Joe commented
Fix the app. When trying to reply cursor jumps into the email I'm trying to reply to.
Anonymous commented
I cannot reply to any emails! The reply opens and immediately scrolls to the bottom of the email chain.
Patti Mengers commented
I sought help from T-Mobile. I uninstalled & re-installed the AOL app several times, but the above problem persists. Also as of Feb. 8, it is impossible to correct spelling without the whole word or sente
ence highlighting & deleting. And, when I attached a GIF, it wouldn't allow me to type under it. Everything highlighted & the keyboard disappeared. -
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
New version of AOL not good.
joe commented
reinstall spell check and when I go to reply I can't see my responce because the screen moves up and hides my typing
Steve commented
Anonymous commented
I cant even post the suggestion that u scrap the new version. what more detail do u want?
Anonymous commented
Spell check
Anonymous commented
Old format, PLEASE!!!
Sonya Lee commented
AOL mobile app
Anonymous commented
make it eork like it did until 2 days ago. no autofil. stop knee jerk reactions. try to send an email
Julie Cooper commented
The message auto scrolling is making extra blank rows on screen and lost the cursor in the process. Fix the HTML code reading, first. Then, keep cursor focus on where the user is typing.
Anonymous commented
unusable email program
Anonymous commented
please fix AOL app on my Galaxy Android phone as not allowing me to type reply...drops to bottom of dialogues repeatedly and I continuly scroll back up to just drop back down to the bottom of email again
Anonymous commented
saving emails and returning emails need to be more simple tasks
Michael Starr commented
Go back to previous AOL software version. New version doesn't work .
john commented
old format