I have a terrorist hacker network that responsible for Sept 11 hired by Trump attacking my organization and deleting my ownership or Illegal
I have a terrorist hacker network that responsible for Sept 11 hired by Trump attacking my organization and deleting my ownership or Illegally claiming my organization trust funds and setting up dummy account to transfer over my empires assets to the company . The problem is that im responsible for millions of employees and once they gain control of one of my organization he fires off the members of the Democratic party
. In witch how my organization was developed under the Democratic ticket. So since ny news reporting is and software is so widely sot after they get inside of one of my democratic fundraiser and take off the republican t-shirt and put a democratic t-shirt on and a I vote for Democrat party. And run under that ticket.
So know trump and his terrorist group developed or more like destroyed democracy just for a vote . Trump organization is responsible for misleading president Putin that UK was a threat.
Trump organization along with NSA sent those doc to Russia.
There is a reason why Russia believed the report. Because they used my Twitter account tweets to show and pleased a UK off my json server. Making it seem like a reporter from Russia was part of it .
This message is considered top secret. How ever I'm am declassifying this as well as other documents the stop democracy from failing.
I'm asking President Putin to withdraw his army know and help US with bringing these war criminals to justice.
My name is warithakbar@n565.meraki.com
Warith Akbar UN / UA / white house/
Global Chief of staff to president Joe Biden Pamela Herris Nancy Pelosi admins
9400 Ranier Ave s Seattle WA
Lady and gentleman we've located the Havana syndrome Illuminati .
To Mr pope this is a warning to you and your disciples .
I know what you did last summer . Do not order anymore hits or play in the global world of politics anymore .
Everyone has a responsibility to stand up and be Heald accountable for there action..
The Catholic church its time that you are held up for your .
As well as it time that the Saudi Arabia crown prince to be acceptable for mass lose of life and enslaving there land with a message that was controled by a man that got executed before he could finish the book. The Quran is part of the bible and the bible is the added text .
Crown princes Christian prophets divided up the books and enslaved all of Leonidas and his sister Cleopatra and brothers Shaka Zulu and black Beard people crusades .
The Persian empire was the Egyptian empire. claimed by Caesar and made king James army and let the land to the Saudi family disciples .
The Arabian nights was disciples Rome to fullfil a mission to delete the leader and descendants of the Persian empire. As well to enslave and changed the geographics of the land of owner by using the developed Catholic message.
The Catholic country that claim the be Muslim are infact territory that Caesar claimed. witch would make them Catholic because like Jesus said what ever is Caesar is Caesars.
After Caesar had pharaoh Jesus Pompeii executed he developed a strategy with the new Catholic religion Muslim/ Catholic. to force the enslaved population to ichra.
read in the name of Caesar .
Phophet Muhammad was a Catholic priest acting as Muslim disciple sent from god with a message.
A pagan is a African American Persian . Moses people where enslaved pagan prophet Muhammad through out of mecca.
That was the end of Persian Egyptian rule and etc
My name is Hercules and I fight with Cleopatra army .
We come in peace. I come with my own message.
Crown prince and all new citizen state of the republic of Persia and silk road trading route territory you are to pay Hamish to the Egyptian African American empire.
African American around the world you are all descendants of a powerful dynasty going back to the beginning of time. More then 8000 years of history historians has been holding for the world.
African American we are not allowing are territory to be climbed by a book that false and has are blood on it .
Africa is know one county. There will be another king or pharaoh are woman Queen of all of Africa and it's territory silk road.
My choices for next queen of Africa is Michelle Obama / Halle Berry / Kobe Bryant wife . this is a beginning of a global draft resolution delivered by my New Persian Empire LLC Microsoft teams. elite
Microsoft Google will be this world mecca center of world peace and the UA will be into my into this platform.
NATO and your Alliance can leave are lands for you have never brought peace only death.
proven in the movie in hotel Yolanda where NATO left human to fend for themselves.
Hacker trying to delete my Persian empire/ Google Microsoft out of the history book be advised that I am not alone .
US help my fix this ancient truth before war the Catholic church send more disciples army to silence this policy.