Please use Accuweather. I am not a fan of yahoo,and really miss accuweather on my home page.
Please restore AccuWeather to home page

Anonymous commented
Keeping simple should #1. I have praise AOL for your email recovery system. Now I have a problem with responding to a email. Why does the cursor bounce back to the ending to the sent email I'm trying to respond to. As I type my message it bounces back and forth. if there a typeo there is no way to get back to the place where I am writing...what the ****? it us unstable. between this comment a ND the response OVER AN HOUR! RIDICULOUS. Keep it simple.
Anonymous commented
AMY JACQMIN commented
AOL was not broken, so no need or desire for any yahoo replacements. Please go back to being AOL, as I was never not happy before. Now, I really only care to get my emails. Other browser and site changes are for the worst, not better.