The layout/format needs change. Sometimes I open new emails, nothing shows or I open it & not everything loads. I have to close/reopen AOL.
The layout/format needs a change, a refresher. It's time! It's boring and out of date. Sometimes when I open new emails, AOL doesn't show I have a new email until I close and reopen AOL, or I open an email (old and new) and not everything loads so once again I have to close/reopen AOL. The app is not very dependable sometimes and not as functional as it should be. At one point I had my AOL account in my Gmail app and now I can't use it, and that's why I'm using the AOL app. Either way, I like using the AOL app because I noticed I get the emails quicker, but it definitely needs a big step up and a big change. It needs to be more modernized and functional.