why you got so bias is hard to trust your news you always very anti trump

me commented
news on AOL is so far left and with all the Trump derangement syndrome it would seem that the left learned nothing from the beating they took at the ballot box in November, maybe after Vance has his eight years they will have learned their lesson 😀
Anonymous commented
CNN is bias garbage and pushes only miss leading information, weather it's about Trump or race related to keep us divided.
Anonymous commented
Trump is a liar
Anonymous commented
I'm probably waisting my time here. why can't you just report the news. If I wanted only one side of the storey I would watch CNN or Fox News. I can't and won't be using your platform for my news anymore. Enough!
Anonymous commented
That's because everything he says is a LIE!!! If you think he cares about anything but himself you're fooling yourself.
Anonymous commented
Too many ads.