I suggest you provide a filter to allow me to choose not to see adult sexual content ads.

Diane Hoskins commented
I agree absolutely...stop the pornagraphic ads
Diane Hoskins commented
Stop the pornagraphic adds in my newsfeed articles!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
at least give us an option to opt out!
Anonymous commented
Stop offensive sexual ads in AOL news stories!
Anonymous commented
It's disgusting to see naked butts and other parts. I've had AOL for years but thinking of deleting my account.
Saena Eyre commented
I couldn't agree more!
Anonymous commented
Pornographic material attached to USA Today news feed!
Ruger commented
stop disgusting ***** ads! Children use AOL and these ads are illegal!
ellen commented
pornographic ads
Nonya Bizniss commented
I did not ask for *********** or half-naked people to show up on my email loading page. You suck.