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AOL App for iOS

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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.

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169 results found

  1. Confusion

    I cannot figure out how to delete some things from my contact list and I’ve searched and been round and round and can’t even find a way to email you but this. All I see is the contact list but no way to edit. You say 9.3 app is needed but the highest number at the App Store is 5. Something ????????????

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    To manage your contacts list, you will have to access your account from a desktop computer.
    Also, the 9.3 version is for the iOS operating system and 5.5.1 is for the AOL App version.

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    Thanks for the feedback. We’re really sorry to hear your displeasure with the advertising on the AOL App. In order for AOL to offer things like web content and products, we need to sell advertising just like any newspaper, magazine or television station would. But we certainly don’t want to get to a point where we start to lose our valued audience, so your feedback is greatly valued.

  3. Print function improvement needed

    I tried to print an email. So I selected the info and then selected print.
    Your response was no printer found.
    Then it tried to air print and found my daughter's house printer, not my HP print app printer.
    Can you make your app let me select from my wifi based printers and network printers instead of telling me my five different printers are not found.

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    Hello there, please make sure your HP printer is connected to the same wireless network that your mobile phone is using.

    Additionally you can check if the printer is setup properly, by trying to access it from another device on your network.

    Thank you.

  4. Swiping

    Put flag option back with swiping left

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    That feature is still available. If you are having trouble using this feature a quick uninstall and reinstall of the AOL App should fix your issue.

  5. Merge email

    You’ve forced me to use the app. I hate it. It’s not a matter of getting used to it either. I want old and new emails together by date received. Also with all you add, news and **** the viewing area is too small. I’m soon leaving AOL. I guess that’s what you want. I’m glad I’m not paying for it!

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    Please follow the steps below in order to change your Inbox Style. Please note that in order to perform these changes you will have to go to using a desktop computer.

    1. Go to your AOL Mail inbox.
    2. Click Options | Mail Settings.
    3. Click the General tab, if not already there.
    4. Next to “Inbox Style,” select Use Unified Inbox style
    5. Click Save Settings.

    In case you’re not sure how to do this, here’s the help article:

  6. It’s automatically quit

    Automatically application is quitting... can you improve its stability...

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    I have a couple of troubleshooting steps for you that should resolve this issue:

    1. If you’re signed in, tap the Settings icon, tap Manage Accounts, then tap Edit, tap Remove
    2. Restart your mobile device
    3. Uninstall and reinstall the app with the latest version
    4. Lastly, switch the internet connection from WiFi to mobile data

  7. How do I make mail go to the iPad mail folder?

    I have been with AOL for years and thanks. There are two. Things with this app that I don’t care for.

    How can I make new mail show up on the iPad dashboard? Having to go to the aol mail button is a pain.

    How can I make the mail automatically open expanded to full screen? The added steps are a pain.



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    Thank you for your feedback about the features of the AOL App. We’re always interested in opportunities to improve our products and services, so we appreciate when our users take the time to share with us. We will make sure that this gets to the appropriate team for review.

    In order to move apps around press and hold on one app until they all start to jump around. You can then drag and drop icons around the home screen, move them to the dock, or drag them over to another page.

  8. Mail not being sent-help needed

    Until today never an issue.Now no mail is sent out via the app. Several tests sending to personal and close friend accounts, nothing arrived. Help needed

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    Please uninstall and reinstall the app. If the issues persist, please advise the email recipients to check their Spam and Trash folders.

  9. How can I delete more than 1 email at a time? Or empty folders?

    I can’t find any way to get rid of my 4000 emails except one at a time. Then hoe do you get rid of deleted emails?

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    13 comments  ·  Mail  ·  Admin →
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    Here is how to delete multiple emails:

    1. Tap the Mail icon in the AOL app.

    2. Tap the folder your message is in.

    3. Tap the box next to the messages you want deleted.

    4. Alternatively, tap Select All after selecting the first message.

    5. Tap the Delete icon at the top of the screen.

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