Please correct the annoying change to the AOL app that no longer allows it to open to my mail inbox but to a home screen,
Please correct the annoying change to the AOL app that no longer allows it to open to my mail inbox but to a home screen, causing an extra step to be taken to quickly check mail. It’s a waste of time.
Stephanie Datwyler commented
Absolutely not interested in the News page. Please change the app back so it just opens to email.
LISA DIAMOND commented
This has also started to affect email when clicking on it when not in app. I had an email notification, I clicked on it and instead of opening email it just took me to Home Screen.
Sharon Foreman commented
This change alters standard default app behavior in place for some time and affects all users That it was implemented without also providing a settings option to allow us to override and select Inbox as the default screen on Open is such bad practice and beyond annoying.
ALVIN STALEY commented
Please return to AOL app opening on mail inbox!