Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.

Does Verizon charge the Democratic National Committee for posting DNC propaganda in front of my mail? If not, the DNC should be require to report this as an in-kind political contribution.
Today for example, one of the headlines I had to wade through read something like: "Some GOP Politicians Mislead About Spread Of Covid." To anyone actually familiar with current events, that headline is hilarious.
The most notorious mis-spreader of information about the pandemic is all over the news this week. HE'S NOT IN THE GOP. He's the Democratic governor of the state with the worst Covid death rate, who begged a Republican president for help, and when help promptly arrived, didn't use it. Instead, he sent elderly patients back to nursing homes, killed them and others, then lied about it.
Neither is St. Anthony of Fauci, who has shifted from telling us to never wear a mask, to always wear a mask, to wear two masks. "Don't shakes hands with friends, but go ahead and have *** with strangers." That's not "misleading," is it?
I still have a AOL email account only because it would be too tedious to change my address, given that it gave it out to so many twenty-five years age. But if I have to keep wading through this propaganda just to check on it, then, at some point, it will become worth he effort.
When MSNBC is your political ***** is offensive and unfair coverage. You slung mud for 4 years and now there is no coverage of issues that concern us all. Changing voter and election process, opening borders, Gavin Newson recall, Andrew Cuomo Covid-19 coverup, softball passes to Joe Biden, etc. should concern everybody. Why not try to be even? or do you just not care ?
George Roycroft commented
They only lie in your eyes. I feel you can go the way you want without retribution. Have a good day.
D Baran commented
I reported AOL to Homeland Security online for their continued mission to incite riots and divide the country as follows...
Today's inciting AOL headline: "OFFICER WAS ON FLOYD'S NECK LONGER TIME THAN ORIGINALLY REPORTED." All news media should be held accountable for continuing to use opinionated, bold headlines to infuriate and incite death, riots, burnings, destruction and looting. These headlines are the first spark that have been bringing the country to its knees. Once the mobs are roaming the streets, it is too late. The news media is doing this intentionally for future ratings. AOL NEWS should be made an example of and prosecuted for posting such a knowingly false headline of opinion that shows they were and are still leading the charge in the streets against front line law enforcement. Proactive attention to news headlines is needed more than reacting to the resulting riots. -
D Baran commented
I reported AOL to Homeland Security online for their continued mission to incite riots and divide the country as follows...
Today's inciting AOL headline: "OFFICER WAS ON FLOYD'S NECK LONGER TIME THAN ORIGINALLY REPORTED." All news media should be held accountable for continuing to use opinionated, bold headlines to infuriate and incite death, riots, burnings, destruction and looting. These headlines are the first spark that have been bringing the country to its knees. Once the mobs are roaming the streets, it is too late. The news media is doing this intentionally for future ratings. AOL NEWS should be made an example of and prosecuted for posting such a knowingly false headline of opinion that shows they were and are still leading the charge in the streets against front line law enforcement. Proactive attention to news headlines is needed more than reacting to the resulting riots. -
D Baran commented
I reported AOL to Homeland Security for their continued mission to incite riots and divide the country as follows...
Today's inciting AOL headline: "OFFICER WAS ON FLOYD'S NECK LONGER TIME THAN ORIGINALLY REPORTED." All news media should be held accountable for continuing to use opinionated, bold headlines to infuriate and incite death, riots, burnings, destruction and looting. These headlines are the first spark that have been bringing the country to its knees. Once the mobs are roaming the streets, it is too late. The news media is doing this intentionally for future ratings. AOL NEWS should be made an example of and prosecuted for posting such a knowingly false headline of opinion that shows they were and are still leading the charge in the streets against front line law enforcement. Proactive attention to news headlines is needed more than reacting to the resulting riots. -
D Baran commented
I reported AOL to Homeland Security for their continued mission to incite riots and divide the country as follows...
Today's inciting AOL headline: "OFFICER WAS ON FLOYD'S NECK LONGER TIME THAN ORIGINALLY REPORTED." All news media should be held accountable for continuing to use opinionated, bold headlines to infuriate and incite death, riots, burnings, destruction and looting. These headlines are the first spark that have been bringing the country to its knees. Once the mobs are roaming the streets, it is too late. The news media is doing this intentionally for future ratings. AOL NEWS should be made an example of and prosecuted for posting such a knowingly false headline of opinion that shows they were and are still leading the charge in the streets against front line law enforcement. Proactive attention to news headlines is needed more than reacting to the resulting riots. -
D Baran commented
I reported AOL to Homeland Security for their continued mission to incite riots and divide the country as follows...
Today's inciting AOL headline: "OFFICER WAS ON FLOYD'S NECK LONGER TIME THAN ORIGINALLY REPORTED." All news media should be held accountable for continuing to use opinionated, bold headlines to infuriate and incite death, riots, burnings, destruction and looting. These headlines are the first spark that have been bringing the country to its knees. Once the mobs are roaming the streets, it is too late. The news media is doing this intentionally for future ratings. AOL NEWS should be made an example of and prosecuted for posting such a knowingly false headline of opinion that shows they were and are still leading the charge in the streets against front line law enforcement. Proactive attention to news headlines is needed more than reacting to the resulting riots. -
D Baran commented
I reported AOL to Homeland Security for their continued mission to incite riots and divide the country as follows...
Today's inciting AOL headline: "OFFICER WAS ON FLOYD'S NECK LONGER TIME THAN ORIGINALLY REPORTED." All news media should be held accountable for continuing to use opinionated, bold headlines to infuriate and incite death, riots, burnings, destruction and looting. These headlines are the first spark that have been bringing the country to its knees. Once the mobs are roaming the streets, it is too late. The news media is doing this intentionally for future ratings. AOL NEWS should be made an example of and prosecuted for posting such a knowingly false headline of opinion that shows they were and are still leading the charge in the streets against front line law enforcement. Proactive attention to news headlines is needed more than reacting to the resulting riots. -
D Baran commented
I reported AOL to Homeland Security for their continued mission to incite riots and divide the country as follows...
Today's inciting AOL headline: "OFFICER WAS ON FLOYD'S NECK LONGER TIME THAN ORIGINALLY REPORTED." All news media should be held accountable for continuing to use opinionated, bold headlines to infuriate and incite death, riots, burnings, destruction and looting. These headlines are the first spark that have been bringing the country to its knees. Once the mobs are roaming the streets, it is too late. The news media is doing this intentionally for future ratings. AOL NEWS should be made an example of and prosecuted for posting such a knowingly false headline of opinion that shows they were and are still leading the charge in the streets against front line law enforcement. Proactive attention to news headlines is needed more than reacting to the resulting riots. -
D Baran commented
I reported AOL to Homeland Security for their continued mission to incite riots and divide the country as follows...
Today's inciting AOL headline: "OFFICER WAS ON FLOYD'S NECK LONGER TIME THAN ORIGINALLY REPORTED." All news media should be held accountable for continuing to use opinionated, bold headlines to infuriate and incite death, riots, burnings, destruction and looting. These headlines are the first spark that have been bringing the country to its knees. Once the mobs are roaming the streets, it is too late. The news media is doing this intentionally for future ratings. AOL NEWS should be made an example of and prosecuted for posting such a knowingly false headline of opinion that shows they were and are still leading the charge in the streets against front line law enforcement. Proactive attention to news headlines is needed more than reacting to the resulting riots. -
D Baran commented
I agree, and what AOL does with headlines is dangerous and I reported it to Homeland Security as follows...
Today's inciting AOL headline: "OFFICER WAS ON FLOYD'S NECK LONGER TIME THAN ORIGINALLY REPORTED." All news media should be held accountable for continuing to use opinionated, bold headlines to infuriate and incite death, riots, burnings, destruction and looting. These headlines are the first spark that have been bringing the country to its knees. Once the mobs are roaming the streets, it is too late. The news media is doing this intentionally for future ratings. AOL NEWS should be made an example of and prosecuted for posting such a knowingly false headline of opinion that shows they were and are still leading the charge in the streets against front line law enforcement. Proactive attention to news headlines is needed more than reacting to the resulting riots. -
Keith Haddon commented
How about you give some EXACT truthful examples.
Keith Haddon commented
God and I both hate Trump.
Keith Haddon commented
Thank you, AOL for regulating the radical right's homophobic racist hate content spread by anti-American conspiracy theorists. The facts are the facts. Move on.
Larry O rourke commented
try being fairer with your political coverage,
David Cohen commented
AOL is obviously a left wing biased outlet that I would prefer not to see .But to change my address would be very in convenient .If I see any hint of censorship you will be history
Renee Still Day commented
As you report fair and unbiased FACTS, I completely disagree with this poster. Continue to report the news even if people don't like it because of their OWN bias at least put it out there. You can't make anyone on the Right happy unless you bend over and kiss the ring of their orange god. Keep up the good work. I may not agree with everything you post either, but at least I know I can believe it!
KAREN AMI commented
bye bye
RICHARD NUTT commented
How do I login without seeing your propaganda, or do I just need to change email providers?