Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.
Anonymous commented
Every day there is some new article hailing how wonderful it is to be LGTBQ. Do you people not know that the vast majority of humanity is still heterosexual ? And every day you nit-pik about something Trump or his wife does but ignore the glaring illegal acts of Obama and Clinton.
Anonymous commented
AOL is blocking downloads from The Western Journal, Patriot Update and similar conservative sites that are not aligned with Huffington Post's political opinions. This will be reported if it is not reopened
Anonymous commented
The item on your "news" of 6/7/2019 A.M.regarding President Trump's "chemistry" with Queen Elizabeth, is just another example (of many) in which AOL can not offer an item about the President without some indication of negativity, or FALSE reporting. What alerted me to this, was the photograph you have in the lead of this article, where you show him "Swooning" over her. It is so obviously photo-shopped that I'm surprised even AOL would broadcast it. The people at AOL who do this are so obviously hateful of Trump that they just can't contain themselves. And, it exemplifies how childish and immature you all are. You have no place as a "news" source. If it were not such an inconvenience to me to change my e-mail address from AOL, I would do it in a minute - even after being with you for many years. Try,(if you can) to learn a little objectivity and honesty in what - and HOW - you report. You may eventually become a news source. You are NOT one now.
Anonymous commented
Stop Ads for abolishment of Electoral College. Stop supporting Warrren and others that go against the established constitutional voting procedure.
Anonymous commented
I use to have AOL as my home page not anymore. Your political bias is to liberal for any sane person to read. I use AOL .for my old email and that is all. If you are truly interested in peoples thoughts and ideas then keep your political stance out of it and just report the news wouldn't that be refreshing. I know that is wishful thinking but I can remember when it was the norm.
Sharon Cunningham commented
trump is sooooo over. bye felicia. commented
trump is sooooo over. bye felicia. commented
Soooooooooo over seeing trump all over your site...ugh! enuff!!!
Anonymous commented
Whoever posts these negative stories on President Trump are a bunch of nimrods. Wait till 2020 and you’ll see him in office again. You’ all should move somewhere else other than the US,
Support him sometimes, I voted for President Obama, and maybe he didn’t do such a great job, but he was still my President. All I can say your all a bunch of sore Losers. 👎 -
gene down commented
You people are *******. I have to keep in mind you are a bunch of journalism majors who weren't smart enough to get a real degree
Harry commented
Quit trying to overtake CNN's #1 spot for FAKE news about Mr. Trump!
anon commented
Too many ads and STOP all the Trump bashing, truly pathetic.
s commented
How about presenting honest headlines and news instead of sensationalizing everything to your liberal biased point of view?
Anonymous commented
You are a Trump hating machine. Everyone knows it but you can't seem to help yourself. Try being professional once in a while.
Michael Reynolds commented
Give political views from BOTH sides.
Anonymous commented
huge typo on trump blimp
Anonymous commented
Shut AOL's negativity down. Enough … go neutral. Just report ...NO MORE opinion as it is not helping one bit. All negative helps no one.
Anonymous commented
This is such a blow hard story that it wreaks. “A lot of people are moving here. So, what can I say? No, I didn’t know that she was nasty,” Trump told the UK tabloid. The comment was captured on audio.
Trump’s campaign tweeted the audio of the interview on Saturday as it criticized the media for taking his comments out of context. Trump doubled-down on his own Twitter feed on Sunday.
Anonymous commented
You need to come down on your slanted leftist views about the president. Clearly it is irresponsible to sugggest Trump would not leave office. It’s a joke and people on the left can not decipher such comments but go purely literal. Laughable is how I see the majority of your post on Trump. Sophomoric at best. Grow up or shut up if you don’t have any real worthy news.
Anonymous commented
We don not have show trials in the United states not sure what 3rd world **** hole this "expert" is from but on the united states your either guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or your innocent and we dont care what kind of ****** person you are jesus if you care one bit about America you wouldn't print this ********