Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.
Bob commented
I expect the leftist "children" at AOL to delete this post in … 3 … 2 …
Bob commented
I would very much like to see stories that are, to borrow a motto used by a certain Conservative news network, FAIR and BALANCED!!! I am sick to death of the drivel spewing, left leaning whack jobs currently employed by and passing themselves off as journalists!!!! Each time my home page comes up, there it is for all to see … Orange Man Bad! It is time for the "children' in your "news room" to grow the **** up, get over the fact that America did NOT vote for Hillary and start moving the pendulum back to center by reporting with honesty and integrity!!! At this point in time, I spend ZERO time looking at any of YOUR left-wing hogwash!!! Was that your goal??? Stop destroying journalism and be part of the solution!!!
Meri Snyder commented
Try to control your bias towards the President of the United States.
justin Charles commented
Tired of all the Trump ******* via your news articles etc..
joe commented
STOP being so bias and spreading Democrabs Propaganda
Gregory Hodges commented
You can improve AOL by not being a bias liberal rag. Get behind your President and support America. All Presidents past and present have their issues. Stop dividing America
Anonymous commented
Beginning to sound more and more like a liberal website. Was at one time fair.
Anonymous commented
Stop bashing Trump.-
Anonymous commented
To much hate and anger with your news shows. Go back being a news network instead of being a hate and dividing Americans. Your network is just as bad as RT since you are not reporting ALL the news just what fits your agenda. SAD.
Anonymous commented
Stop thinking you are running this country and people are so dumb and everyone at CNN is so smart. Stop talking down to the citizens and it seems you at CNN only know what is right . Stop all the hate and anger on all of your news shows.
Anonymous commented
Just as we listen to your copycatting fake news every day, the liberal conclusions on last night's debate are not what we the people took away. But, that's no surprise. Politicians and pundits from the beltway (swamp) have nooo idea what's going on out here. It will be the same on election night. Uncle Joe, who could have been a moderate candidate, is sinking fast, partly because he's an alcoholic, with a burned out brain, and partly because he part of the swamp, who doesn't see anything wrong with what he and his son have done, because "everyone" did and is doing it. He, Nancy and many others in the democrat party have gotten rich off the taxpayers of the US and people see the dems as not caring or doing anything for the people because they have Trump derangement syndrome.
Dik Long commented
How about leaving ur political ideology at the ****** house. The wording in the story about the dude that cut his dick off and then smoked himself being the fault of fucking comedian is beyond ridiculous. No wonder no one uses ur shit anymore. Maybe its being left behind in the 90's that causes you and your people to do anything for a click, or to gain 10 seconds of relevance but it's really fucking pitiful. Now I'll share some rhetoric, Come and fucking take them!
Anonymous commented
We won't see a whit of the expose' about cnn on your rag or anywhere else in the fake news media. It exposes Zucker for what he is, a biased political hack, whose only goal is to attack Trump, with another arm of the Russia BS. If YOU were real news people, you would have exposed the deep state involving the Comey's, Clinton's, and many big names involved in uranium one, the cover-up etc of what YOU call conspiracy theories. We the people always know when YOU call something a conspiracy theory that it's getting uncomfortably close to the truth. And it isn't what you and your buddies spew out every day.
Anonymous commented
I'm assuming you all are using the fox poll for obvious reasons. But fox had someone else doing the poll and it's already been debunked because of the % of sampling. And I'm sure fox has received adequate feedback, that they are regretting the poll. But YOU and the media aren't out hear in realsville. There are some pundits and notable democrats that don't see any way Trump loses in 2020. And Schiff and company have to hide their meetings so they can leak lies. And NOOOOOOO articles of impeachment. What does that tell you?
John Patti commented
Why am I not able to write comments? I can read those of others, but, when I try to write one, the comments disappear?
Anonymous commented
It's really rich that YOU and the rest of the alphabet media have anything to say about any newscaster. You LOVED him because he said a few things against Trump. And that's the bottom line.
Anonymous commented
See above comments.
Robert Matthews commented
I have been an AOL premium subscriber for 20+ years, but if you do not stop flooding your news articles with "Hate Trump" stories, I will drop you. You lead with anti-Trump stories, and often, three of the first five on your list are anti-Trump stories...that's not news, that is editorial bias. I'm sure you won't miss my $30/month. PS...I mean it...thank you
Anonymous commented
Support your President, instead of a fake news, liberal *********
Anonymous commented
Left leaners can say whatever they want with impunity. Many of their posts are vile offerings. No one looks at their postings. everyone else is suspect.
Blocking or shadow banning people because you disagree with their political opinions is censorship, and a violation of First Amendment rights.