Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.
Anonymous commented
Even before the election, it's been obvious how AOL wants to portray the news narrative....and It's been laughable ever since. There is no attempt at being unbiased. I'd love to have it removed, lol.
ann commented
I am TIRED of reading heavy bias Aol news is. always negative negative especially Trump. it hurt our country. It need to be stopped!!!!!!! There are a lot of positive news but you refuse to report it obviously bias on your part
lauri a bawden commented
i notice you seem to "bash" OUR president on your homepage a lot. he is OUR president regardless of opinions...if this continues to spread hatred among different people it promotes hate i will will move my business to my Gmail acct
Anonymous commented
Listening to the D candidates is like looking at a wish list for Christman. Have you ever heard ONE of them with a solution for N Korea or Iran, or anything else for that matter. They all sound like a bunch of grade school kids on the playground name calling, because they have NOOOOO ideas except giveaways and trash Trump, and their fav word is racist. I see no substance to any of them. They are pandering to the far left.
Your twisted liberal ideas are worse than CNN & MSNBC. You should be ashamed ofr yourself for ALWAYS printing JUST your side of every story.
Liberalism at it's finest. What a disgrace!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
AOL needs to stop reporting such negative reporting on the President and anyone in his family, Ivanka can't even post a photo of her children and yes she did respond to the shooting in El Paso. Its this kind to news that you contribute to everyone along with other media that also creates negative and divisive for our country. Stop reporting negative and help our country heal and move forward in a positive way for us all. President Trump I agree is not perfect but your not either by your reporting and if it continues look forward to our President being our next President the next term. !!!!!! I happen to be proud of him and look forward to celebrate his next term.
t -
Anonymous commented
YOU and your leftist buddies are a bunch of bullies. YOU try to tell us what is proper and when we can do it. And you take every occasion to trash any of the Trump family. We the people are **** puking sick of YOU and the rest of your liberal buddies.
Anonymous commented
Balance the news!!! you"re so amateurish its sad.
Anonymous commented
Does anyone else find it curious, that no matter what, anything that happens is Trump's fault. Schumer and Pelosi and Feinstein have been in a position to "fix" a lot of these problems for 30+years, but they would rather have a political football than fix a problem. And I can guarantee they won't try to fix anything. They would rather generate hate and blame, because they have NO viable solutions.
Anonymous commented
YOU don't like Trump pushback and YOU HATE him. And for what reason? He stands in the way of YOUR agenda. Our society has been steadily declining morally. And every time someone suggests that we are YOU bully them and say they are old fashioned or haters or Bible thumpers. We the people out here are tired of the ignorant dem candidates and YOU trying to blame everything on Trump. Your philosophic gurus are evil people. They and YOU accuse us of what you are guilty of. And for the most part, they are Godless.
Jim commented
Your news items should be used in a journalism class on bias reporting.
Anonymous commented
You are extremely Anti-Trump--I wish I could change.
Anonymous commented
How can you improve? How about stopped being Replican bashing on politics you **************!!
Anonymous commented
How about reporting the news rather than accusing Pres Trump for EVERYTHING.
Anonymous commented
The continuous drum beat of anti-conservative, anti Trump messages is repulsive and offensive. You have turned off anyone with a sense of objectivity.
Here's a message for the rash of recent shootings.........bring back the death penalty and administer it swiftly. -
Anonymous commented
It was the gunman that killed the people. But as YOU always try to link the gunman with republicans, We the people will link him to YOU and your leftist buddies. Antifa is the name and the leftist Portland Oregon mayor did NOTHING, until pressed, to disavow their actions. It was alright to beat up a conservative, but now YOU have to take ownership of YOUR antifa support. Time to take a look at just choosing the opposite side of whatever conservatives choose.
I think you stole it commented
Hey, I have an idea! Maybe AOL could talk about Israeli massacres of Palestinian youth, or investigate the ties between **** ****** and the ******, ******? We get it that AOL is run by a bunch of ***** eager to see Trump fall, but there's a lot of injustice in the world outside the walls of the White House. How 'bout you cover that, too? If the narrative doesn't fit democrat talking points, AOL ignores it.
Anonymous commented
Stop the Trump ******* in every article appearing on AOL. Your extreme left Liberal Socialist Democrat leanings are ******* to over half of the American Citizens who support Trump. I am fed up with AOL!