Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.

EVERY day AOL's homepage is nothing but anti Trump propaganda. I'm in the process of changing my email address. Its just taking longer since I've been here many years.
Anonymous commented
It is appalling that the only messaging you can lead with on AOL is a made-up criticism of the President. It must take a roomful of staffers to search everyday for someone who said or did something that you can "report", The bias that you represent is embarassing and SO very obvious. If Google is being investigated for bias, it won't be long before AOL is brought under scrutiny as well. So glad we have a more-used email account on a different server.
Anonymous commented
How about some unbiased news???
Anonymous commented
les;ie sanders commented
Stop trying to bring down our President...….
les;ie sanders commented
STOP, STOP already of your biased reporting on our President. You are like a drug addict, you can't seem to stop. This has been going on for two years, and we are sick of it. You are not new reporters, you are a rag newspaper that you find at the check out counter at the grocery store.
Anonymous commented
If you absolutely meed to present liberal propaganda, then have a way to exclude it or have only conservative news
What is mostly presented now is liberal propaganda
Anonymous commented
Maybe have your “kind, tolerant, inclusuve” “journalists” - a term I would use loosely - to quit writing nasty articles about Melania Trumo because she lightened her hair - look back over how AOL fawned over every ugly belted sweater dress Michele Obama wore - you are a bunch of “mean girls” just picking on who you don’t like - so sick of it
AOL News is just an arm of the anti Trump media. Everyone in your news department is far left and obsessed with trashing the President.
I am leaving AOL after 25 years.
The Navyman commented
To AOL Editors: Quit with your ******** editorial attacks on Ivanka Trump's holiday post about her children! You people are ********. AOL=***** On Line.
Debra commented
Chat should be closed, it's divisional and hateful and deliberately so. Click bait for hatred and to whip everyone into a frenzy with twisted truths and half lies...your own hatred fills in the blanks without any problem at all, and they count on that. Don't talk to me about morality Ms. Pelosi. People with the amount of hatred in your party are not moral.
Again, another prime example of the media causing division in America to suit the Democrat agenda. What other reason would AOL allow an unmonitored anti Trump chat room? -
Jim Allison commented
How about some stories on Crooked Hillary and Obama?
Michael Stockwell commented
Every day you try to push your political agenda against the republicans. If you want to be considered a legit news organization then your articles that you publish daily need to at least appear fair and balanced and I have not seen that in any way since well before the election. If you continue to publish in t he way you have with your slanted stories then most of your audience will continue to read your news stories as what they are, pure garbage trying to ***** information to the side you want the information to flow.
Anonymous commented
I have recorded your headlines for at least 3 months and they are, like the Harvard U study shows, more than 90% biased against Trump. Please include his accomplishments along with some of his reckless tweets. Maybe some of you have a job because the unemployment rate is the lowest in 50 years....TRY TO BE FAIR!!!
Anonymous commented
Im so tired of your obvious bias against President Trump that Im changing my home page
JAMES SEYLAZ commented
Put on some good things Trump has done and stop picking on him. Put on some good thing he has done for a change. Give him a break once in a while. Thanks AOL
C. Brown commented
Use One America News for less biased news instead of the very liberal Huffington Post propaganda machine, something along those lines. Subscribers want news, not political attack. You'll get more subscribers!
Anonymous commented
Please stop making "click bait" headlines bashing President Trump. I have been an AOL member for 2 over decades, I WOULD NEVER sign up for the service today, and I don't read any of the articles or actually use the service now BECAUSE of the wild click bait articles bashing our President. I am an independent voter and thinker, I don't need my news service to form my opinion for me by creating a false narrative with click bait half truths or words taken out of context. Mr. Trump (like all human beings) mis-steps often enough on his own, I don't need AOL to mis represent what the man did or didn't do or say or didn't say.
I NEVER click an advertisement on AOL simply because of this incredible bias, if I didn't have 20+ years worth of e-mail - I'd begone in a New York second. -
Anonymous commented
What's you ******* point in the report on Laura Bush and others who were involve in unfortunate incidents? You disgust me.
kikxon66 commented
Aol News is no better than CNN. Stop bashing our President, it is so disrespectful and un-american. your news staff appears to be very ignorant. T. Lynch