Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.
Rich Eubanks commented
I've never been a fan of Donald Trump. I've known him through business for decades. He's only playing the roll of president because the Democrats were stupid enough to make a woman, most hated by the right, their nominee.
I've been with AOL since the late 90's and it would be a lot of trouble to change my emails from the ones my wife and I now use but I'm thinking about it.
I just don't like signing on and seeing "Official Presidential Approval Poll' with the choices of only Great, Good, and Okay. And then this morning I see "Build The Wall".
I think that AOL needs to realize that only a little over 40% of Americans even approve of Trump and over 50% of Americans hate his guts.
Anonymous commented
I don't want to get any more "build the wall" ads when I check my e-mail. How do I turn that stuff off?
Anonymous commented
I do not want to see your fake news stories. AOL should have gone under years ago! Get rid of the fake President Trump stories.
A Deplorable! -
Anonymous commented
half the country does not belive in this democrat communist ****
Anonymous commented
remove your disgusting trump hate speech and fake news
Paul commented
Every time I open up AOL I see a photo of Donald Trump. I would rather see as few photos of Trump as possible. This is causing me to use my Gmail more than I used to, because I know I won't see Trump there. It seems that AOL has a pro-Trump bias, which I don't appreciate in my email provider.
Anonymous commented
* Forgot to mention, you have "bringing back manufacturing jobs" and "lowering taxes" as "not yet rated." Really?? You see how misleading you are being? He has brought back a tremendous amount of manufacturing jobs and he already lowered taxes. Unemployment is at the lowest level since the 60s and the same for women, African Americans and Hispanics. Again, all I am suggesting is that you are honest and fair, or remove the entire "promise tracker" section. You are causing more harm than good.
Anonymous commented
Please update the "promise tracker" section for President Trump. It is very deceiving! You have not updated it at all. He clearly lowered taxes and also got his nominee appointed. He also has made changes to the Veteran's administration which benefit all Vets. He renegotiated NAFTA....he got rid of the mandate on Obamacare, thus getting rid of Obamacare. I could go on and on! Anyone who does not know this, and looks at your lame promise tracker, would only think he has done what you have there only! It is months old!! Be honest, be fair, don't be disgusting!
Anonymous commented
You media types just can't stand it when someone has something good to say about things he has done in the past. It just doesn't fit your narrative does it? Then you have to characterize them as "unhinged" or some other kind of crazy. Pretty pathetic as usual!
ldougiel commented
Aol news is lamestream liberal propaganda! Stop being so pathetically biased.
Andrew Cornforth commented
Every story you post is anti Trump. I’ve been an AOL member for 17 years. Why won’t you let the majority of voters speak out against your stories Your no better then CNN
Anonymous commented
Hillary thinks we need to have the d's in power to have civility. Does that include doxxing republicans? Does that include Carville saying Kavanaugh is worth more alive than dead? Does that include antifa attacking an old man because he mistakenly drove down a street they were blocking off in Portland? Does that include the google exec posting a blue streak on twitter? I could go on........ I'm lookin forward to Bill and Hillary's tour. We'll see how many people show up........
Anonymous commented
OATH brands websites are absolutely ridiculous in their extreme liberal bias. It's disgusting and quite frankly insulting.
I'm sure you all must think of yourselves as enlightened and morally superior to us "deplorables" but here's a shocker...
We KNOW that you are truly the opposite...It's sad really how ingnorant you are about your own stupidity, immorality and unAmerican behavior.
We can only hope that someday you will see the light or move abroad.
Anonymous commented
I pay for the subscription to AOL, news stories are all biased and any other stories are filled with ads and are cumbersome to navigate through.
Anonymous commented
Quit being so biased...sick of it
Anonymous commented
Stop criticizing the Trumps. It's getting very old.
Anonymous commented
AOL is a news media and as such should be neutral. Many of us see your extreme bias. You use adjectives and picture to denigrate those on your hit list. You are not protecting me or for that matter anyone except you favorite party and favorite people. You should be prohibited from reporting any news whatsoever, I am not like some of the rabble that you energize. I just condemn you without the colorful vulgarity you suupport
Anonymous commented
AOL, Stop not telling the story/facts and being a left wing ***case.
Anonymous commented
Cut the lame excuse that Soros doesn't pay for protestors
PAUL commented
Get RID of huffpost. GARBAGE!!