Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.

Hector Hernandez commented
Dear AOL
In the news, every day you go to the bottom of the barrel just to pull out everything and anything even if not important to paint Trump in the negative. This is every single day non stop 24/7. I am almost at the verge of cancelling AOL and Verizon (parent company)
frd64r678x commented
**** AOL. **** AOL news and your daily war on Trump to help Democrats. For all you know Woodward's anonymous source is probably working at the NY Times, yet it's front page news to you ******* idiots. Hillary was beat by Trump so deal with it AOL, and deal with the fact that Obama ********* the country so that's why we have Trump, to clean up his ****, and he's doing it! Believe it! So go **** yourself AOL.
we the authors commented
What if Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani blackmail Trump, given the fact that Mr. Giuliani had already know the Entirety of Trump's financial crimes and other Trump's dirty laundry?
Ellen and Mitch -
we the authors commented
What if Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani blackmail Trump, given the fact that Mr. Giuliani had already know the Entirety of Trump's financial crimes and other Trump's dirty laundry?
Ellen and Mitch -
Marty Estenfelder commented
Quit being so liberal in everything you put on the front page President Trump is doing a great job and all you print are negative stories
Anonymous commented
You continually post Woodward's unverified book comments. This shows a complete bias because you don't even indicate that his comments have been challenged as unverified! I know of at least 100 (more) who have stopped reading your "news" articles just for this reason. Furthermore, you pick a "new" comment every day. You are a sick establishment!!!
Anonymous commented
AOL is determined to lose all its readers by continuing to issue mis-leading anti-Trump stories. Your headline on CNN's refusal to apologize for its INCORRECT story re Lanny Davis and his client indicated that Fox and Trump are feuding with each other, and this is absolutely NOT true. Soon AOL will have NO readers!
Anonymous commented
AOL is such an obvious Liberal Media Propaganda machine that promotes a discrimination and Racism against White People
C commented
You are a very liberal company, could you report more of a balance of stories and ads?
Anonymous commented
Quit being anti GOP, Trump and embrace balanced news!
Anonymous commented
testing from TacOps.
Darrell commented
TacOps testing
Sherry commented
You are not reporting the views of me or many people in this country! and it is disgusting every time I open up AOL - who writes your headlines and articles? They are on glue.
Anonymous commented
Your opening "news" reels is total Hard Left Fake BS, and (except for the "headlines" which are unavoidable) I never read any of it because it's so predictable. It really mirrors the poor service provided by AOL in general. If you had any common or business sense whatsoever, you would understand this and begin by - at the very least - providing a more centrist reporting base. But it's doubtful. I predict you will continue your policy of stupidity, and ultomately spiral your company down to oblivion.............
Anonymous commented
change of news
Anonymous commented
Yes and it's blatantly obvious, day after day.
Anonymous commented
Your left-of-center political bias is UNWANTED.
Anonymous commented
AOL just now posted an ad for support for Donald Trump ahead of allowing a person access to their AOLMail account. Why can I not go directly to my AOLMAIL account without having two pages asking how much I support Donald Trump? This is the height of manipulation. I will begin looking for another email carrier tomorrow.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
It is insulting , and it angers me every morning to have to look at your latest slam on our duly elected President. Sorry to inform your staff, but President Trump won the election and is doing a great job. I'm also SICK and tired of seeing pro-Colin Kapernut stories. Stop with the leftist propaganda!!!!!