I comment on aol news stories, and they wont get posted1
When I post a comment on an news article, they are only posted for half a second and then disappear, what can be done? AOL told me to contact you, that you could help.
Images and some comments will be flagged in our system prior to becoming public. Here are some reasons why your comments may be flagged:
- Language (Examples may include: all caps, inappropriate words, etc.)
- Suspicious IP
- Any Image In order to create the best possible experience for everyone, we request that you abide by the AOL Community Guidelines, our core code of conduct, in all of your activities on AOL Services.
For more information, please view our community guidelines: http://legal.aol.com/community_guidelines/
Dennis repke commented
You quit stopping me from posting comments.
Annette commented
It is a disgrace how AOL shadow bans certain posters in the comment section below articles. I even posted, "If anyone can see this post, please acknowledge it." And I got .... nothing.
GARY BROWN commented
Why don't you allow responses to articles in your Today on AOL stories? It might help you to know what your customers are truly interested in. Most of the articles are not worth the time to read; and are not actual "news".
[Deleted User] commented
and i actually pay monthly , how stupid am i
[Deleted User] commented
Probably just another hater
[Deleted User] commented
just would like to know who it is that has nothing better to do
Mary commented
Curious as to why my news posts have been deleted and new are not posted, especially as I post responsibly with no name calling.
An aol member since the beginning
Anonymous commented
No way to comment on article so I will submit here. Catlin Jenner.'s house destroyed. No such thing as half daughters. Former step daughters
David Bradshaw commented
We, the members of AOL.co.uk, could put comments and statements on most news items. We can no longer do this. WHY???
errorsandlag commented
AOL downright CENSORS comments. AOL does not fix this problem. AOL always blames the user when it is not users fault. Anyone whom is being censored by AOL should call or write (ie...feedback) to Oath. (yes, this is AOL). Also, Verizon is that parent company....call or write to Verizon to let them all know about the censorship AOL provides. Let them know AOL does not fix their problems. Tell everyone you know about AOL censorship. If AOL will not stop it.....the users need to stop it.
Dennis repke commented
You have not allowed me to post a comment, for two days, in the comment field of the news articles and I want to know why
errorsandlag commented
AOL will not fix censor. 18 years & AOL refuses to fix this.
errorsandlag commented
My comments are being outright censored by AOL. This has been going on for eighteen years. AOL always blame the user......AOL refuses to fix it......AOL always ignores the problem by labeling feedback duplicates. I have written over fifty feedbacks......only to be ignored. Censorship needs to go.
Sheryl Carey commented
Why do my comments on articles keep disappearing even when I have made sure there was nothing wrong or worse than any others?
Mike commented
How come I can't converse on the welcome pages anynore......
Reset -
deborah carroll commented
Let all express their opinion, and try making your headlines more factual.
When something, such as 'psts' of Trump's Presidency is on the right, for as long as I can recall, I can't post. Why have it? Or don't I matter?
Oral Gibson commented
Why can I not post in the comment section ? Are you blocking conservative comments and responses ?
jim commented
why do comments dissapear from Colin Powell story?
kenneth commented
ps If you really are willing to help, I can be reached at thebgroup@aol.com....