I comment on aol news stories, and they wont get posted1
When I post a comment on an news article, they are only posted for half a second and then disappear, what can be done? AOL told me to contact you, that you could help.
Images and some comments will be flagged in our system prior to becoming public. Here are some reasons why your comments may be flagged:
- Language (Examples may include: all caps, inappropriate words, etc.)
- Suspicious IP
- Any Image In order to create the best possible experience for everyone, we request that you abide by the AOL Community Guidelines, our core code of conduct, in all of your activities on AOL Services.
For more information, please view our community guidelines: http://legal.aol.com/community_guidelines/
PLH commented
Cuss words etc I can see, but I spend a lot of time checking sources before I write a post only to have it held for no viable reason. I have a masters degree and a BS in Poly Sci and History Double major. So you can bet if I am making a statement its based in fact. Free speech is important and degrading people by holding posts for review is insulting at best.
Anonymous commented
i responded back- look how great he has made it now! i think you are over stepping now w/ the blocking..
Lack of AOL's free thinking other than there's...
Anonymous commented
Maybe AOL needs to review their "feedback" section regarding censorship, there seems to be many folks here who get censored, when they respond to a post that contains language that AOL says is offensive but allows anyway. It's categorically rediculous.
joe watts commented
censoring us while you promote pedophilia and violence against whites
joe watts commented
you censor us because unlike AOL employees we are not pedophiles, one day your AOL support of racism and Pedophilia will end
Bill Morgan commented
I can not believe AOL has eliminated the ability of your readers to comment on your articles
little frank commented
stop rejecting everyone of my comments and then blocking me...i am an american citizen not a russian troll
Allow AOL subscribers to COMMENT.
Anonymous commented
It is impossible to improve AOL. It appears that AOL has either silenced my opinion about NEWS ARTICLES or they do NOT allow reactions from readers in general. There is no COMMENT section at the end of news articles like I have seen in the passed. Has my PAYING AOL ACCOUNT been shadow banned? We can criticize the police, our school system, our president, our values......why not AOL!
Joe commented
Whoever you have monitoring comments after articles should be replaced. They now reject completely benign comments. Do you just want people over the age of 80 using AOL, in which case - Bye-bye AOL.
Anonymous commented
I have been banned from the comments section newsfeed section without being given a reason why. I don't know what kind of rule I may have violated. I would like to be reinstated. Please unblock me. Please contact me via email. "**@aol.com"
Anonymous commented
Stop Censoring my Posts!
Been an AOL acct since 1996. Will be changing very soon along with many others. -
Anonymous commented
I need to know why EVERY SINGLE comment of mine gets rejected. I am never rude or vulgar. Something is definitely not right.
Anonymous commented
Bring back comments !
Mushman Peets commented
I want you to reactivate my posting apps. You allow others to post their tripe without censorship, I demand my right to do the same, now. I pay my dues every Month to be allowed to do so.
What the **** is wrong with you censorship thought police dictators? -
Anonymous commented
I posted "he went there for you and me". you said my post is rejected for violating guide lines. Please explain. I don't get it/
Anonymous commented
I have been a paying customer for years. My husband has paid for us both. And now you keep me from commenting on your blogs.
Rose Zarra commented
not an idea but an issue. i was told to use this by an AOL support guy. i edited some things in my user acct.(namely first name and nickname with no issues) now i can't post to conversations on AOL at end of articles. after i write in the box it keeps telling me to "sign up to post". i'm already signed in so what's "sign up" mean?
JM commented
I have not violated any of the below guidelines as posted;
Community Guidelines
Welcome to AOL Community!
Our community is about connecting people through open and thoughtful conversations. We want our readers to share their views and exchange ideas in a safe space.In order to do so, we’ve created a simple set of rules that will improve your experience.
Simply put, keep it civil.
Your post will/might be rejected if it contains:
- Spam
- Insults, profanity, incoherent, obscene or inflammatory language and
threats of any kind
- Attacks on the identity of other commenters or the article’s author
- External links
- Images/GifsUser accounts will/might be blocked if we notice:
- Continuous attempts to re-post comments that have been previously
- Racist, sexist, or homophobic comments
- Attempts or tactics that put the site security at riskSo, how can you be a power user?
- Stay on topic and share your passion. Feel free to elaborate to get
your point across.
- ‘Like’ or ‘Dislike’ when you are filled with emotions!
- Protect your community. Use the report tool to alert us when
someone breaks the rules.Thanks for reading our community guidelines. Don't forget, freedom of speech is not the freedom of reach!
Because many of the comments I have made or attempted to reword in an effort to satisfy your censors are rejected faster than they can be read, I believe I am being blocked from making comments. If so, have the common decency to let me know instead of just continually rejecting my comments with your vague "community guidelines" statement.