I comment on aol news stories, and they wont get posted1
When I post a comment on an news article, they are only posted for half a second and then disappear, what can be done? AOL told me to contact you, that you could help.
Images and some comments will be flagged in our system prior to becoming public. Here are some reasons why your comments may be flagged:
- Language (Examples may include: all caps, inappropriate words, etc.)
- Suspicious IP
- Any Image In order to create the best possible experience for everyone, we request that you abide by the AOL Community Guidelines, our core code of conduct, in all of your activities on AOL Services.
For more information, please view our community guidelines: http://legal.aol.com/community_guidelines/
Me too, lets get everyone to cancel their paid plans
My comments get rejected too, so sad that AOL does this.
How true that is
Once your on the blocked list, your on that list forever. Can't improve AOL, they don't want to be improved. AOL is for Dem followers and thats it. How bias can you get. They only reject Repub comments, they won't reject any Dem comments
Anonymous commented
ALO stop DELETING all my post just because I DON'T agree with your LIBERAL AGENDA
Just take you AOL & Facebook and get out of this great country, the USA! And don't come back!!!
Mack Me commented
A response is dearly wanted
Mack Me commented
Dear AOL I have posted a comment on the dolphins story today it was rejected in a split second. This is so innocuous a comment I cannot fathom why your censor banned me from the story period. COMMENT ... starts "I just don't care, the last what 3.5 years of this stuff has made me lose all interest in football. Last Year I did not even bother with the SUPER BOWL. Telling us now you will stay in the locker room. during the time We respect all fellow American in uniform, they serve others not a football team owner. well that is just fine. you do it. I will do my thing too. you will receive no royalties from me any longer. my .00000000000001 of a penny will affect you in the long run.
napoloen commented
Aol can load the articles and the ads OK; but can't seem to load the conversations........!!?? Why am I paying you $50 a month to mess up the convresations......??
Neil commented
I'm so sick and tired of chasing down posting problems and not one person over the past year has given me a reason or even contacted me. I have NOT violated any community standards and no one at AOL has offered help. My last post was marked as 'under review' over 9 months ago. Nothing.....
Anonymous commented
AOL is once again siding with the left wing posters. they are allowed to use derogatory words but if a conservative uses the same word in a sentence, not calling anyone by that word, we get censored. That is not freedom of speech that is plain old censorship!
When you present such an argumentative headline that millions see as inaccurate because of what we normal law-abiding citizens see as an outrage in the cities today, you should put a high priority on fixing your Comments Section at the end of your story. Looting, fires, swearing at innocent folks walking or having dinner out, the cancel culture stuff...needs to be called out, so please allow your readers to do so.
Anonymous commented
Bring back the comment section
Anonymous commented
feedback after stories..why not?
Edward49 commented
I can't comment on Aol Articles. Is it no longer allowed.
Anonymous commented
Stop shutting out comments that don't support AOL'S
political agenda! -
Anonymous commented
You are restricting the things you profess to admire. Way to go down the road to tatalitarianism.
LouAnn commented
We may or may not agree with comments. However they still provide others thoughts. We should be the ones to make the decision to delete-
PAUL MARISH commented
Every comment gets rejected even if I copy word for word someone elses that has been accepted.
Mr. Bill commented
What is the problem with AOL? Are you just as corrupt as Facebook?