Get rid of Huffington post. Its ****. Get a decent news source in here.

Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Someone should tell the Black Lives Marxist that approximately 300,000 White Union soldiers died to free approximately 1,500,000 slaves in the Civil War under GOP first president Abraham Lincoln. That means i white soldier died for every 6 slaves freed. An amazing statistic. Don't these guys ever
read history? No, they make history and its usually bad history.RE-ELECT PRESIDENT TRUMP
Anonymous commented
Seepy Joe Biden has a nice smile, and it has served him well with 47 years in Congress.Isn't it a shame that I can't remember anything noteworthy that he has done for America in those 47 years except remaining a loyal democrat.
President Trump has served for 4 years-Reformed Veterans Hospitals, middle class tax cuts,brought back mfg and Corps to America, Defeated scary ISIS & Caliphate, a roaring economy, fence on southern border to keep out drugs and illegals,Energy Independent, deported wicked Mexican X gang, members, fought "Sanction Cities" Judicial Reform-Rebuilt Military-UNBELIEVABLE, BUT TRUE-RE-ELECT PRESIDENT TRUMP-HE GETS THINGS DONE!!! -
Anonymous commented
It is heartening that there is real fear that is ramping up America's patriotic citizens at the number of Democrats that have rushed to their new Socialist idea for America.But then it happened in France many years ago before they regained their sanity. I still don't believe the America that I know and love could go Socialist(Communist)
Anonymous commented
I was concerned that people did not see what I saw in Hunter Bidens email-The part about having to give "pops" 50 % of his earnings-How did sleepy Joe report that on his taxes or did he? Now the story I admit is getting out, & CBS was asking questions.
Anonymous commented
Why doesn't Huff Puff show he Rap Sheet for Mr. Floyd. It is all public record and I am sure that people would like to see, "The Rest of the Story"
Anonymous commented
The Truth-
If people will quit resisting arrest, which is a crime, There would be less
confrontation with the Police. When they resist, they are asking for a scuffle with Policemen who are going to win most of these scuffles. -
Anonymous commented
The Truth-
Nobody can deny that if the two men in Minneapolis and Atlanta had not resisted arrest which is a crime, they would have been alive and none of the Arson, Looting, bottle throwing, and assaults would not have happened. People are asking for a fight with police when they resist arrest and the Police are going to win most of these contests. -
Anonymous commented
Let the Silent Majority appoint a Truth editorial group that deals only in Truth!
Anonymous commented
Let people opt out of your news. It's complete garbage anyway, opinion material. It's disgusting every single day what you guys post on AOL. Just disgusting. Do you not have any editorial standards? It is truly a joke. Any "news" I see on AOL I now immediately assume is flat fabricated piece. Every piece.
Donald Graber commented
"Bombshell" is a strong word right from The left-wing Huffington Post and is biased opinion. "News" should be actual news and not personal views, opinions with bombastic adjectives replacing fact.
Greg Hodge commented
Title: Dump Huffington Post!!
This site is an absolute disgrace.
There is a clear agenda to promote positivearticles about Jeremy Corbyn, and disgraceful "anything will do to diss him" stories on Boris Johnson.
DONT try and tell me HP are autonimous, as THIS is YOUR website, so I can only conclude from that you are at best complicit and at worst responsible.
I don't wish to see blatantely politically biased propoganda every time I look to open my emails, you should be ashamed, this is the behaviour of Media Controlled Fascists and it is totally unacceptable behaviour....put the political reporting on a tab that you open, without the cleary socialist headlines promping people to view your twisted Bile....I hope I get a response, as I am seriousley thinking of contacting the Onbudsman, or the PCC in order to have you censured and your license revoked, youre an absolute disgrace!!
Greg Hodge
** -
EDWARD F DOLAN commented
Sgt. Mike commented
Get rid of the Huffington Post. It's poorly written, biased and ill informed.
Robert R. Duffy commented
Is there really anyone left in America who believes biased reporting, especially on the Huff and Puff Post.
? -
THOMAS SHERA commented
Get rid of Huffington Post!