USA has no REAL heroes
USA has no REAL heroes, Painful: General McMaster, General Kelly, General Mattis humiliated by a thug
By definition, a hero is a man or a woman of distinguished courage or ability, admired for brave deeds and noble qualities. There was a time when every town in this nation had a statue to a hero that diverted downtown traffic into a circle. The subject was usually on horseback or carrying a gun.
Barely a day goes by that someone does not lament, "Where have all the heroes gone?" Rising above the landscape in their places are modern sculptures that look like diseased spleens, bunches of rocks placed in some asymmetric formation that defies reason, and fountains . . . lots of fountains with water cascading over stone slabs. Are all of our sports figures selling autographs, our entrepreneurs selling junk bonds, our statesmen selling U.S. arms to Iran? Is there no one left to tower above mortals as a symbol of integrity and decency that time will not tarnish or Kitty Kelley will not chip away at until there is nothing left but an empty pedestal?
I don't think the real question is where have all the heroes gone, but why. For the answer, society has to look within itself.
We have become a society that cuts corners without guilt, and we are passing it on to our children. We are amused when TV Guide puts Oprah's head on Ann-Margret's body, when an author submits quotes of praise for his book from top authors who never wrote them. We aren't even outraged when a manuscript is submitted to television and a major star steals it. "Everybody else does it or gets away with it" is the dumping ground for every dishonest action of our lives.
We're an interesting nation. We mourn the loss of rain forests, clean water and beaches, animals becoming extinct, and a simple way of life. Yet not one tear has been shed for a landscape barren of statues and monuments to men and women of distinguished courage or ability, admired for brave deeds and noble qualities.