We the people are absolutely fed up with the two rule system.The violence on the left goes unreported or under-reported. YOU applaud the killing of new-born babies and call EVERYTHING racist. These women of "color" get a pass on everything, even though they are obviously anti-American. And YOU support this. The chanting last night wasn't so much against omar as it was against this two tiered rule system that YOU and your buddies have come up with. YOU and your buddies have spent 2 years trying to change the outcome of a lawful election, only because YOU didn't like it. Well, if last night was any sign, YOU and your buddies better get used to this President going two terms.WE are sick of PC and YOU calling right wrong and wrong right! Jake Tapper has it right. There are even significant numbers of democrat lawmakers who don't like the anti-American rhetoric spewing out of the women of "color"