Get rid of the slide shows. I want to read the full article.
Get rid of slide shows it is a paid to have to click every time to read entire article. Usually the substance of article comes after reading several pieces of story that really don't matter.

THOMAS RODES commented
Agree, drop the slide shows or moving elsewhere.
clancy810 commented
very annoying , I hate SLIDESHOWS , please no more ,very close to dropping AOL because of it , like to read articles without that bull
M Hicks commented
I have been with AOL for about 30 years............ I'm starting to think why?
Kimberly Queener commented
agree 1000%. Not to mention that the page bounces around and when you click on "next slide" you get another page that is some sort of ad.
Even more annoying, there is no editing of the content. Words are misspelled, the context is wrong, similar words are used that have an entirely different meaning. It's pretty horrid. Like the trash mag of the Internet. I cannot even read these stories because they're so bad. And the click thing is just awful. -
B Ra commented
Agree. Get rid of the slide shows. A waste of time for getting information.
I call them "night time stories" because by the time you get to the heart of the article, you're asleep.
Anonymous commented
I agree completely with this. By doing the "slide show", you make a person take 10 times longer to read an article. Plus the fact that you just keep repeating the same verbiage. Now I get it! You use mouse click counts to try and show future advertisers how much time and interest there is in your web site.
123A commented
Full name and email address is showing and wish change the display name that shows in the comment, i also don't want my email address shown in the comment section
Dennis commented
I, too, will not look at articles that require clicking through one page at a time. As soon as I see the dreaded "Next," I close the page, purge cookies, and move on. Please stop doing this. Make articles a continuous read. No more slideshows!
Anonymous commented
I hate reading their news because of this
Dave Evans commented
Click bait for a slide show, I don't even bother anymore. Click through one slide show, add another 100 tracking cookies to a point pages won't even open until they're deleted. AOL is setting a new standard of "SUCKS".
Anonymous commented
I won’t even go past the first page. If AOL wants to do a few of these that’s fine I guess but it’s so annoying. Sometimes you get to the end and it’s not even what the title states. Total click bait.
Anonymous commented
Jim Scerra commented
I agree with this guy.. So annoying.. try to read an entire article with all the other junk stuff getting pushed in the way and never getting to the substance of the story is so aggravating. Makes me want to drop my aol internet to another server.
Anonymous commented
I'm done with the slideshows. Life is just too short.
Michel Diane Gooden commented
You need to quit formatting your stories as slide shows! Waiting for each page to download is annoying. I realize that you're trying to maximize exposure to your advertisers, but AOL is shooting itself in the foot - you're driving readers away. I've stopped trying to read these stories. Good grief. Wise up!
Anonymous commented
Hate the slide shows; a waste of time. Just the current time story please.
Anonymous commented
get rid of the slide shows I just want to read about the subject
Anonymous commented
So many people have said the same thing, get rid of the slide shows and get to the point. I know this is a waste of time because you won't listen.
Stuart commented
I agree completely. I still use AOL as my home page; yeah, I guess I'm getting older and just comfortable with the layout. Every morning I scroll through every news item but if I click for more information and get the ubiquitous NEXT PAGE I'll never select it. Thus, if they're looking to get us to use the slide show just to sell more ad pages it won't work with me. Sounds like I'm not the only one. AOL, if you have a story just post the whole thing, like other home pages that I'm tempted to change to.