This timely "whistleblower" report is very suspect as is the impeachment probe. This is a huge smokescreen for all the information coming out about how illegal the "russian investigation" was and to try to cover up the real crimes of hillary, uncle joe and his son! (not to mention obama)YOU know it and I know it.

Anonymous commented
This doesn't need to be a headline! To say nyt supports impeachment, is like saying bears **** in the woods, bluebirds are blue. You people are idiots at choosing headlines. By the way, impeachment is a POLITICAL PROCESS. Notice, Bill Clinton was "impeached" for lying. But the senate never convicted him. And it was a BI-PARTISAN proceeding! Nothing like this BS kangaroo court that happened because Trump infuriates the democrats.
Anonymous commented
YOU are going to run with the impeachment story, because that's is literally "all you've got". Nancy won't bring a vote because she knows if it comes to a Senate hearing, all the dirty secrets of the democrats for the last 10 years will come out of the crapper and on the senate floor, and will it stink to high heaven! And EVERYONE would see. It would be like the emperor's new wardrobe. Oh, and quit trying to convince us that a majority want impeachment. You will be using the same polls on election night. I can't wait to see the look on Begalla's face and others on election night! I'm sure you already have a story ready on how Trump stole the election with Russia's help.