It now comes to light that the "whistleblower" is nothing more than a deep state operative, whose job is to protect all things including the president's phone call transcripts. He knew that claiming to be a whistleblower would give him protection. But these are the same types of the Lisa Page and Peter her lover, that were deep state operatives that had an "insurance plan". This whistleblower is just another leaker that threatens our national security, not protecting it. He's the one that deserves prosecution as a spy.

Anonymous commented
The whistleblower story unfolds. This has been going for months. The rules were just changed recently to include "secondhand" information. And the dem leadership is trying to make it sound like this is another balsey-ford person who is "afraid" to testify. (He would be if it were the clintons)It's the old dem playbook. And they are using the "whistleblower" status because there is more protection. Trump is the true whistleblower here. He's uncovering the deep state crimes every day and the dem leadership is apoplectic!