WHY all the censorship ? ? ?
how about a second comment board smart people enter here >
BRAIN WASHED liberals enter here >
perhaps a third board UN-CENSORED comments for people that can use the POTTIE all by themselves enter here >
michael carbery commented
fact check here . . . when you talk politics and religion someone is always going to get their panties in a knot, you're talking about what you can't talk about at work.
I was OK with people 'F'bombing my e-m when i make a comment I get MANY positive replies as well . why did you stop that ? did those VILE liberals feel they were being stalked for their comments ? -
michael carbery commented
even the complaints about CENSORSHIP get CENSORED while the HATE trump message gets posted.
WHY do you suppose that is ?
by CENSORING posts YOU violate the foundation and spirit of the constitution,
the very freedom you HIDE behind while posting you're liberal agenda.