Restore the ability to comment on articles
Anonymous commented
AOL should be like MSN post a question and give options to check off if you agree or not etc.
Anonymous commented
Is the comments section shut down for just conservatives or everyone?
Yes, the feds can come in... It's under US 40--Code 1315 where the President can come in to protect a Federal Building.
Anonymous commented
Are you folks afraid of something like what the people really think. Fix the comment section cowards.
Anonymous commented
freedom of speech, remember that amendment, restore my ability to comment on articles.
SAMUEL GREEN commented
Why has AOL shut down the comment section...again????
SAMUEL GREEN commented
Are the people (staff) of AOL educated???
cindy commented
NONE of the articles are allowing comments....
Anonymous commented
Please restore the comment section to each specific article. It was interesting to read other comments for their point of view even if I don't always agree.
Anon commented
Some examples of url's you are requesting as problematic.
The problem is the same as everyone elses. No way of reading comments nor able to post.
AOL will lose many customers if not fixed. -
dmkjmhs commented
Previously they blocked those who didn't agree with them by blocking their IP address. I don't know if they're doing that again or if they've dropped feedback altogether.
Richard Hamerski commented
The comment section was a great place to express oneself and to see other opinions. I really miss it.
B commented
Post AOL's reason for apparent removal of article comments.
Anonymous commented
Comments can be quite helpful and often a different view that is enlightening, please continue them.
Anonymous commented
Why can't I post on AOL?
Bob commented
Ya ok, I'll get right on it. You know what the issue is. Your company didn't like the feedback. Serves you right for backing socialists.
Bob commented
You people are going to lose the election anyway so you might as well put the comments back or risk losing lots of advertising money! That was the only entertaining thing you fools put on here!
Anonymous commented
AOL needs to stop censoring conservative views!
Davey commented
Why is Joe so senile?
Davey commented
Bring back comments AOL. People are crying