I've sent feedback on several occasions, and yet to get even a "thank you" reply. Maybe this time??
I read your news stories. Just about every one allows comments. that's great.
Comments also have a "thumb-up" and a "thumb-down" and a "neither do-nothing".
The third option is easy. Do nothing.
A "thumb-up" usually means the reader likes what is being said, and instead of adding their own similar comments, gives a "thumb-up", which to most folks signifies agreement with what was written. Cool.
A "thumb-down". What does that mean? Does the reader disagree with what's written? Is the reader having a bad day, and just being a grunch? Does the reader have a better idea? Hard to tell what the reader thinks, isn't it?
My suggestion is keep the "thumb-up" as is, but change the "thumb-down. Either kill the "thumb-down(many websites only allow a "thumb-up") or require a comment to go with a "thumb-down". Maybe the reader who gives a "down" has a better idea, or knows facts that make a difference. If that reader would comment, the whole conversation would take on a more objective *****. We can hear pros and cons.
This suggestion is in no way a radical idea. To that end, AOL can even make a case for it, and let the readers vote. Right now, someone in your hierarchy is taking a subjective stance and not allowing this idea to be voted on. That's not right.
Thumbs down to the "thumb-down" ....