Why are my comments being blocked when I didn't post anything to warrant it?
My account is being blocked from posting and I didn't have any posts blocked. What gives?

KIM WILSON commented
what's offensive about "How are they destroying history? Lee was an enemy of the country and should not have a statue of him in any public form."?
KIM WILSON commented
What's offensive about "Fascinating how many people are forestry experts that post here. There are 99 wildfires in 9 states. Did all the other states mismanage their forests?"
KIM WILSON commented
What is offensive with "Unopened. Please be factual."?
KIM WILSON commented
What is offensive with "Unopened. Please be factual."?
KIM WILSON commented
What is offensive about "have you listened to trump"? If there is a real reason to block any user, you should notify the user. I'm going to keep posting until you actually answer the question of why was my user blocked since there were no real offensive posts.
KIM WILSON commented
So what is so offensive about "So the climate is changing and you don't want to try and see if we may be able to stop it. Why? What if you're wrong and we can stop it?
KIM WILSON commented
How can the post "trump never did" be deemed inappropriate? I have had my user blocked from replying to any post for the same reason and there is no way that the comments are worse than the majority of other posts.
I think a computer program blocked our comments. A "human being" would tell us why and how we can make things right.
I made Act Of Contrition for offending "The Computer, but it won't do any good.
Many years I've posted comments with tons of "thumbs up" and some "thumbs down." Try to be "politically correct" but something went haywire.
AOL will never tell a person "why" they were blocked and how long they will be blocked.
In short, it's "very unfair" not to tell us "why" we were blocked and how to rectify it.
Vanessa Pickett commented
Aol refuses to allow dissenting ideas,I'm conservative and I'm being blocked on purpose.
Lalabibi Ali commented
Why are only some of my comments being blocked? it seems that i am being blocked only on certain things, wnen it involves blm. i wanted to comment on the Sansbury article, however you would not let me comment, so i commented on something else and i could comment. I have come to the conclusion that anything todo with blm !!! you will not let me comment on. You need to resolve this.
Joshua Hare commented
AOL, why do you REFUSE to answer this COMMON question CORRECTLY?
Your robotic auto-answer is 100% INCORRECT.
Fix your bad system now!
blueseats commented
Man made tragedy. So, so sad. Blocked again. Laughable.
blueseats commented
Sounds like socialism to me. Just posted that and was blocked. What gives?
blueseats commented
Just posted better than the criminal Trump and was blocked. What gives?
blueseats commented
I just posted this: This is what deregulation gets you. Sad and tragic and entirely man made and it was blocked for not aligning with your guidelines. How so? What is the story here?