REJECT bad comments, rather than permanently shut down the account holder! I need that interaction with others due to Dementia.
AOL has a "reject" button they can use if 'They' (probably just one person in another Country's, opinion) think someone has said something bad...although that's just Their opinion. But to shut down people's accounts completely is UN-American. But then AOL is NOT in America. As someone with dementia, I need the interaction. You took away a huge part of my life needlessly and senselessly. I do NOT use bad language nor do I spread misinformation. Isn't the 'commenting" section part of the AOL package that I pay for?There was a guy on AOL who used filthy names for women as his username, and AOL Never rejected his comments. AOL sadly,does NOT recognize a bad word when it's staring them in the face. To "hide" what they're saying, ugly people put a 'slash' or other symbol over the dirty word, and the people at AOL can't even recognize that? Yet MY account has been banished? But sadly, I need's all I still know...and for me that will probably be gone sooner rather than later. Give me back my voice and my life, AOL!