Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.

cheryl delano commented
how about you post genuine stories..stop making the USA look bad in the eyes of the world by negatives regarding the first family...even though you are being directed to do so...and become men and women of integrity...return the word journalism to once again mean more than clown performance of fake news, and try to stop printing the worst photos you can find of the POTUS...and more of the BEAUTIFUL FLOTUS....your bias is so obvious..its an embarrASSment to the USA
Anonymous commented
gibson, your take on the "student interview" has another side. Anyone watching the video, (it's online have you viewed it?) would see that the students did NOT approach the Native American Activist. (He has a history of confrontation if you would take the time to look) He approached the students. This is another PERFECT example of fake news at its worst. The students did two "unforgivable things. They wore MAGA hats and they attended a "Right to Life" march. The "press" has fallen to a new low in the last week. It's ok to destroy anyone's life if it furthers YOUR narrative of destroying Trump. YOU don't deserve the protection afforded to the press.
AOL is liberal trash commented
kg needs to go. He or she is hateful and disrespectful and has no right to post on the boards.
Anonymous commented
Stop presenting biased news articles peppered with absolute nonsense.
Anonymous commented
You deleted the scene of the Native American elder deliberately walking to Nick Sandmann and standing right up to him in a confrontational stance, obviously trying to get him to react in a negative way.
You also did not show the scene of one of the other Native Americans telling a student to go back to Europe and Nick Sandmann motioning to the student not to engage.
Your failure to broadcast the above scenes and commenting on them clearly shows a disappointing bias against the students in your reporting, which has contributed to the threats against the school and students.
Anonymous commented
Just to let you know the effects you are having
Anonymous commented
Congratulations! You pundits have managed to put a school and students in danger, because YOU HATE TRUMP AND HIS SUPPORTERS. Because you don't care who you destroy or endanger just so it fits your narrative. An apology would have gone a long way. Even hollywood stars have apologized. But NOOOOOOO, not YOU. Disgusting!
Leslie Orange commented
Stop Trump bashing and changing the truth to make Trump look bad. AOL should not be Biased! Respect our President. Patback are a beeach.
Leslie Orange commented
AOL keeps writing posts to show Trump in a bad light. News flash, Quti showing FAKE NEWS and respect our President.
Anonymous commented
Tired of your constant little stories about the Royals and nothing about what a great job our President and First Lady are doing! It's truly disgusting how you bash Trump every chance you get!
Anonymous commented
Disgusted with your Today on AOL...are the Razzie's Awards for Donald and Melanie Trump important NEWS. Such garbage...PLEASE...And J Mason's from Reuters piece on Trump and Pense only staying 2 minutes before the MLK Memorial...such classless responses from Mason's twitter feed...I've used AOL since the mid nineties...or OATH or whatever it's called. Now the product is of such low caliber and totally biased with the self-professed Far Left, Socialists, anarchists who are now in our United States Congress. AOL is not alone...Google-Gmail-and others are all disgraceful in their bias and manipulating the news, decimating our privacy. I do think the "people" are waking up to this travesty. FaceBook is the pits, giving a platform for the dregs of society, too, certainly strayed from the beginnings. Twitter is obnoxious with it's one paragraph drivel. You can improve AOL by giving up your bias and seeing to it I get my email and that my email gets sent. Period.
Stop the negative spin on our President.
j commented
Give your readers more credit for spotting a slash and burn approach to our president. When pressed to make him are so transparent. Place more intelligent writers to cover up what you really arm of Democrats who see decades of preparation to cast our country into a socialistic, impaired vision of other failed countries. You can say "racist" all you want...he will not be that. He is not a lawyer...true...but he is going to be remembered more than what Obama did. HE MADE US A MORE RACE DIVIDED COUNTRY BY WHAT HE SAID AND DID. Examples: every week in a pretty lawyer's suit.
Anonymous commented
YOU the media and the present democratic leaders, have absolutely nothing in common with the late MLK. So don't try to act like it. Martin Luther King had character. The media and the democratic leadership, not to mention the leaders of intelligence community, have shown corruption from the day Trump declared that he was a presidential candidate. We have heard unfounded report after report. We have heard unfounded accusation after accusation from you and the rest of your leftist buddies. Soros and the like have spent millions of dollars for opposition. And YOU have willingly participated in this BS. After this last week and weekend, you have passed the point of NO return.
Greg Servello commented
Stop the fake news on your page
Ralph Galati commented
Please Document All THE GOOD The President Has Done As Well As His Wife.
Equal Time PLEASE
Ralph Galati commented
I Wish You Would Treat The President fairly .
Thank You From A Member Since 1996
Anonymous commented
Stop the Trump bashing. Your disgusting one sided coverage is very old.
Anonymous commented
OOPS! Foiled once again! Even Mueller is debunking the pure digested hay that the leftist pundits put out. (That would be YOU). You only retract when you are slapped in the face with the truth. Pathetic as usual!
Russ Dodge, SFC (R) commented
Please discontinue the liberal propaganda. I am about to change my primary email address after 20 years.