Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.
Anonymous commented
I agree!!! I am so sick of how blatantly biased your newsfeed ( especially the "slideshow") is against President Trump. Every morning I open my AOL to check my email and I am angered by the headlines that appear immediately. Always a negative spin on whatever is going on with Trump!!!! You are not fooling anyone but the most stupid, and you are alienating and anger the millions who support our President. It's insulting.
Anonymous commented
All my comments and feelings are posted above.
Anonymous commented
Constant liberal bias fake news against our President. Are you that blind not to realize that democrat socialists are killing America? Are you hiring cheap illegal labor? is that the reason you chose socialism over capitalism? I succeeded by using my brain, be my own person and not depend on government for my existence.
Anonymous commented
the news post on AOL are a constant run and rant of leftist ideas? I use your email but grow weary of the drumbeat of liberal trash news that is proved to be inaccurate or downright wrong 80% of the time.
wade c mackey commented
4%+ GDP growth....Unemployment under 4% Please report same
Anonymous commented
How about giving Trump a break for a day or two. I am sick and tired
of the Trump bashing 24/7 from you. -
Anonymous commented
Your liberal, slanted, negative news needs to stop !! Fake news......
Charlie commented
Please stop using AOL to promote ultra left ideals. As a black democrat, I am offended! When my grandmother passed, I went golfing to take my mind off of things and grieve in my own way. The fact that the president went golfing rather than attend a funeral is NOT news worthy whatsoever. Really getting tired of this!! Show some class.
Anonymous commented
Why has AOL omitted genuine feedback to its site? Are you so afraid that too many people will see your biases and quit entering your site? I know of at least 20 friends, who no longer read AOL at all, and who have changed their on-line addresses to other sites! Soon you won't have sufficient viewers to remain alive!
Anonymous commented
Here you go again!!! You're running a useless article about 100K in documents, related to Kavanaugh, but only when he was an aide; these docs were not created by him but were merely work products for his boss! This stir was created by extraordinarily bad character, Schumer, who could find NOTHING derogatory vs Kavanaugh, so you run this completely baseless, biased story AOL is just disgusting, and not worthy to be called anything but an adjunct of the Democratic Party!
AOL top 3 news stories every day for the last 2 years have ALL BEEN NEGATIVE COVERAGE OF THE PRESIDENT! I urge you to start being fair in your coverage. You see we the republicans are taking all your **** cause we are in power. when we are not, remember we don't live in mommy's basement. we carry and are big boys and girls. your day is coming!
Anonymous commented
If your definition of mean, petty politics is a fake investigation brought on by a fake dossier and fake news,obama, then I agree.
Esther Czajkowski commented
Meghan McCain did not assault the president during her eulogy. stop Lying.
Anonymous commented
I believe it is very childish not inviting The President of The United States of America to the funeral, but what about all the other prisoners of war you never hear about them in the media being a hero explain that to me. Politicians will disagree we must move past this after all Bill Clinton is there after lying then admitting to having oral *** in of all places The Oval Office. Makes you wonder what was Hilary up to in the rose garden
Jack Meyer commented
YOU ARE AT:Home»Infographics»Labor Day 2018 Statistics
Labor Day 2018 Statistics 1BY BRAD BECKETT ON AOL- REPORT THE TRUTH- its never been better in our Lifetime because of TRUMP- state facts AUGUST 31, 2018 INFOGRAPHICS
Labor Day weekend marks. Of note; Over the past year the number of employed Americans has increased by 1.8 million and the unemployment rate dropped from 4.3% to 3.9%……On that terrific note, be safe and have a Happy Labor Day Weekend!!! -
Anonymous commented
Why stir up 'hate' with the slide on Pence at the ceremony at the capitol regarding McCain lying in state. Leave it to Alinsky OnLine (AOL) to keep the negative BS moving. In fact, why don't the editors just grow up......that is what you tell your kids, but that is the way AOL delivers.
Rick Null commented
This is **** commentary - guess you can't expect anything else from such ignorant liberal-media outlets -Keep it up; that's what will bury you as common sense will prevail: "Meghan McCain glares at Vice President Mike Pence as he speaks at her father's funeral"
Anonymous commented
Please stop with the fake news
We Know AOL hates Trump
I want to see positive news reports AOL is acting live a tabloid -
Suzanne Krumples commented
trump is a TRAITOR to our county and stop boasting that he has done anything good. BALANCE it out with how heinous he is and how his policies are destroying AMERICA. He is a RACIST xenophobic ete. He only cares about GOLFING and making money he is an ADULTERER. ENOUGH OF THE ORANGE menace and being nice to him- report the TRUTH.
RUDY LANG commented
AOL lies to push a point that is liberal and anti-Trump. You scrape the bottom of the barrel with the dumb things you post. Some one puts a hand up at a rally and it happens to be in front of a journalist who is taking a picture and BAM....."Trump volunterr is censoring the news" You then ask: "What are they hidiing"... It is disgustingly blatant biased racism against a white president who has brains. AOL *****.