Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.
Anonymous commented
This is rich! hillary who "gave" away 20% of our uranium to the Russians, who PAID (with the dnc's help) for the dossier, which was unsubstantiated and used to trigger this whole BS investigation. And now she wants protests against one of the most qualified candidates for SCJ ever. And this is your big headline. What a pathetic bunch of pundits!
JAMES SEYLAZ commented
Donald Trump is president, he does not own the presidency. Your heading on this new feature is bias and mis-leading, even close to be included in the fake news category. And from what I scanned down to see there was no balance to your reports, only bad, nothing positive. A lot of things and ideas have failed because they did not know their customers
Anonymous commented
Why is a 5 week old comment related to the above shut down for comments and voting? I am leaving your biased app because I don't want your Trump hate shoved down my throat everytime I want to get my email.
RUDY LANG commented
Paris Dennard is attacked simply because he supports Trump. This is not America. This country is becoming Germany in the 30's and Stalin in the 40' **** and hate yourselves and America. You are brain dead *********.
I think everyone should boycott all advertisers on AOL. Black is great until the black person supports ****.
Anonymous commented
no more trump bashing please
david commented
President Trump is a good President . Aol STOP AND THIS NEGITIVE **** YOU ALL PUT OUT HERE EVERY DAY.
Vivian Johnson commented
Why did not not report the Obama $375,000 fine by Fed. Election Comm. for violating disclosure laws, audit 2008 records, highest fine ever. If it were Trump you would have reported it.
Anonymous commented
Here's a news note that you won't carry. Lanny Davis (who is Cohen's attorney) was almost laughed off Kelly's show today asking for people to donate to Cohen, so he "could tell the truth about Trump". That's code for, please donate so I can get paid. Then he had the audacity to diss the audience! This is truly the swamp.
Anonymous commented
Let's just take a breath and admit that this "conviction" and plea deal are both democrat fabrications. The DOJ has had info on Manafort for years and has declined to prosecute until the Trump relationship. There's not a campaign violation with Cohen. The Mueller investigation is overstepping it's bounds by not sticking to the "Russia collusion". It's once more, much ado about nothing. Remember when obama's re-election campaign was fined over $300G? (The largest fine ever) Let's not forget that this whole investigation is based on opposition research from hillary and the dnc. And you all claim to be journalists!
GJ Pope commented
Remove "TRUMP PRESIDENCY FROM AOL'S HOME PAGE. He is the absolute worst criminal ever to steal an American election.
Anonymous commented
Howbout being an UNBIASED and TRUTHFUL source of GENUINE NEWS instead of PROPAGANDA?
Bob Y commented
How can I control the news feed stories that show up when I first log into my AOL account? The editors of these stories always show an anti-Trump liberal/progressive political bias. This adds to our country's divisive polarizing political climate. Very bad!
Rich commented
RUDY LANG commented
AOL must me run by ******** 13-year olds who simply hate the president. Maybe they hate him because he is white, maybe they hate him because he has funny hair, maybe they hate him because he is male and not female or "transgenderized" maybe they hate him because his is not Hillary, maybe they hate him because his wife does not look like Michelle. What ever the reason they, AOL, Huff Post hate the president it is nothing more than racist. You are all brain dead and accuse everyone else of the hate mongering you do yourselves. YOU ****.
Rich commented
Can you NOT run news stories like this.
Why....why would AOL give a forum to express their political opinion to someone who professionally accepts **** on film??
Are you people serious??? Do you hate President Trump that much?
There is a professional ****** down the street from where I work.....why dont you print her opinions..... -
jim manley commented
report about some good things that are going on in our country..SO NEGATIVE...MAKE AMERICA GREAT!!!
RUDY LANG commented
AOL "NEWS" and Huff Post are disgusting, hateful organizations. You lie and twist the facts simply because you want to kiss Obama and Hillary's ***. You are totally brain dead to the truth and you have a childish impression of yourselves and the world. Please go out of business before you ruin the minds of the innocent children reading your trash.
El commented
We need to write real news building our communities, no just trash talking. Stoping the attacks on president Trump will help us all to come together. Why the hate? why the divisions? build up no tearing down.
THOMAS JONES commented
Your news department is biased and you only post news that fits your point of view. Eliminate the news dept. and use the savings to lower costs to your subscribers.