I comment on aol news stories, and they wont get posted1
When I post a comment on an news article, they are only posted for half a second and then disappear, what can be done? AOL told me to contact you, that you could help.

Images and some comments will be flagged in our system prior to becoming public. Here are some reasons why your comments may be flagged:
- Language (Examples may include: all caps, inappropriate words, etc.)
- Suspicious IP
- Any Image In order to create the best possible experience for everyone, we request that you abide by the AOL Community Guidelines, our core code of conduct, in all of your activities on AOL Services.
For more information, please view our community guidelines: http://legal.aol.com/community_guidelines/
Rohit Patel commented
stop rejecting my posts!
I'm getting flagged for EVERY comment I make including LOL. Every comment eventually gets approved but this shouldn't be happening. My reputation points shows as 1 when it should be 27k. I never receive emails when someone likes or comments on my posts. I have brought these problems up before but have never got a response. I'm hoping for some response this time.
Rohit Patel commented
stop rejecting my posts
Rohit Patel commented
stop rejecting my posts. i violate no policy.
Rohit Patel commented
stop rejecting my posts! I violate no policy!!
K M Fisher commented
I am continuously censored from the comment sections despite comments that are not inappropriate. There is no contact ability to discuss or change this and I pay for service that I am not getting. There is no avenue to get out of the AOL censorship Gulag. If this cannot ber resolved by the end of this day, then I wish to change to the free AOL mail format and stop paying AOL to abuse me.
Penny Magnotto commented
I am so sick of AO(L's treatment of conservative thinkers. Shame on AOL for being so unfair!
Penny Magnotto commented
Am I being ignored and rejected because I have opted out of the paid membership to AOL? I now sign in on AOL MAIL, and it's the same opening page as before. Did I lose my right to speak here?
Penny Magnotto commented
AOL is refusing my posts. There are thousands worse than what I have to say. I get the same message every time I try to comment. Even when I haven't typed a word since the previous day, I am refused. What has happened to the First Amendment???
David G commented
You are using an outside vendor known as Openweb for the comment/conversation sections of your pages and this company is using draconian and unfair practices to block free speech and expression by basing blocking tactics on posting volume and regular participation and not on actual post content.I am a victim of this.I can no longer post anything without it requiring approval no matter what it may be,this includes the words "test","hi" and "hello" even though I generally only participate on the site one of two hours any given day and am by far a lesser offender than many others who are still allowed to participate.I have talked to your tech support for Desktop Gold,which I also have,and have left feedback,this will continue on a regular basis until something is done to restore fairness to my situation.If nothing else people being paid by AOL will regularly have to hear this story.The last person I spoke to agreed that this was an egregious situation.
Penny Magnotto commented
Wow. "Freedom of speech is not the freedom of reach." YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING!
Penny Magnotto commented
I have been a paying customer @ AOL for 20 years! I am 77 years old, and like so many others, I have opinions of my own. Why am I being censored??? I HAVE MADE A CONCERTED EFFORT TO AVOID WHATEVER YOU FOLKS DEEM, INAPPROPRIATE ABOUT MY POSTS. CLEARLY, YOU HAVE "BLACKBALLED" ME FROM POSTING HERE, WITHOUT EXPLANATION...even knowing that others' posts are just as questionable as my own might be. EXPLAIN! Send me an explanation via email.
Penny Magnotto commented
Community Guidelines
Welcome to AOL Community!
Our community is about connecting people through open and thoughtful conversations. We want our readers to share their views and exchange ideas in a safe space.In order to do so, we’ve created a simple set of rules that will improve your experience.
Simply put, keep it civil.
Your post will/might be rejected if it contains:
Insults, profanity, incoherent, obscene or inflammatory language and threats of any kind
Attacks on the identity of other commenters or the article’s author
User accounts will/might be blocked if we notice:Continuous attempts to re-post comments that have been previously moderated/rejected
Racist, sexist, or homophobic comments
Attempts or tactics that put the site security at risk
So, how can you be a power user?Stay on topic and share your passion. Feel free to elaborate to get your point across.
‘Like’ or ‘Dislike’ when you are filled with emotions!
Protect your community. Use the report tool to alert us when someone breaks the rules.
Thanks for reading our community guidelines. Don't forget, freedom of speech is not the freedom of reach! -
Jack Lawson commented
For some reason. I can't comment. Even if my comment is "True", it gets rejected. I just don't know why.
Gordon commented
Stop blocking my freedom of speech !!! You have obviously blocked my IP address from posting anything in the comment section on Conversations. You will post ANYTHING anti Trump no matter how vulgar it is !! You are as bad or worse than CNN at censorship !! I will be waiting for a reply !!
As of 2 days ago I cannot take part in article discussions in any way, for any article. I do not understand why. My comments are not of the type to have been reported, certainly not when compared to some others that are on there. I dont name call, use foul language, spread misinformation, etc. I tried to get some help at your online chat, but they were useless.
axe jones commented
The moderator in charge of the board will not allow my comments which are within guidelines. He/she is discriminating against my right of free speech which is within your guidelines
Adolf Meattenderizer commented
AOL is prejudiced against Conservative's
inventpeace commented
Please unblock unlock my commenting ability at **@aol.com **@aol.com
It was much better before you 'improved' it. Now it is barely usable.