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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
154 results found
25th ranked -
Email Filter by Date Rage
The email filters are quite basic. It would be very useful to have a filter that allows the user to filter by date range and then action something like move to a folder.
For example: Email received between 01/01/24 - 01/03/24 move to folder "Quarter 1".
This functionality would be very useful.
54th ranked -
Bring back the old email format, this new one is rubbish. Also how about a old email tab on the left as before,
New email format
1st ranked -
13th ranked
AOL NEWS used be great and member friendly. Now however, it has changed dramatically. I used to comment regularly and all was well. Made some friends as well. Then my comments were not visible to other members. Now if I bother, my comments just disappear. I reported the issue more times than I can recall, but now if I want to report the same issue my email address is not recognised. In other words they don't want to know. To add insult to injury, they have now turned the AOL NEWS page BLUE so I cannot see anything. I AM…
25th ranked -
Email auto-forwarding
Please please please re-enable email auto-forwarding from AOL accounts to another email address without needing to manually forward emails!
54th ranked -
What on earth is going on with AOL NEWS. Every comment I make on their news disappears. This has been ongoing for nearly a year. I have reported it on several occasions and today received an email saying I had been blocked. That is preposterous as I have never posted anything untoward. Is the problem with AOL or Yahoo. ?? I will fight this to clear my name.
25th ranked -
You need to add something so that i can delete photos stored on AOL
You cannot delete stored photos on AOL, even though the photo has a delete feature it does not work. This needs sorted or replaced
25th ranked -
Give me a reason why my comments always fail. even if I copy someone elses comments
my comments always fail to publish. Why?
25th ranked -
Stop removing innocent comments. Original posters have disappeared, but yet new ones are allowed to comment. I have reported the issue of disappearing comments through proper channels on 20 occasions but nothing has changed. Seems original members are not important now, Victimisation at its best. Time to move on where members are catered for,
25th ranked -
new welcome page layout
The new front page/welcome page layout is the tackiest piece of mess. It is virtually useless. Bring back the old layout or give us the choice of reverting to the old one. This thing is tacky and useless. The brief summary of the story is a big plus. I want it back. I want news not big pictures, I am not Trump who only "reads" pictures. The old version was great just as it was. If something is not broken, don't fix it. What you just created is unmentionable word
25th ranked -
25th ranked
f I write a document in, say, Word, and copy it to an email, why does the line spacing, and indents, have to go haywire?
if I write a document in, say, Word, and copy it to an email, why does the line spacing, and indents have to go haywire?
Why can I not select the font, and size, of text in the new arrangement? I can only get a small number of options, 'tiny, small, Large, x-Large and Huge' and Modern, Modern Wide, Classic, Classic Wide, Courier New, Garamond and Lucida Console. A poor choice, which has already compromised by business address (see below) which looks awful now.
54th ranked -
25th ranked
Is anyone else having problems sending sms/mms messages to to AOL email accounts?
I have recently started having problems of non-delivery of Verizon Wireless sms/mms text messages sent to and email addresses. Had to pay to upgrade for AOL tech support only to have them not only unable to resolve or willing to escalate further but they had the nerve to indicate that the feature was no longer offered despite 2 of 5 tests performed while on the phone with them having actually been successful. What happened to the other 3 no one knows. But clue has been recent MAILER-DAEMON bounce backs from indicting a 4.4.2 error described as 'delivery…
25th ranked -
PLEASE restore the ability to open an email in a separate window
The is a key function I used all the time on the previous version - allowing you to easily compare info in one email to another.
25th ranked -
Put things back the way they were.
The new look is absolutely horrible. It's ten times harder to use. Besides that, now I have to waste god knows how many hours of my time trying to figure out how to do things I already knew how to do. It's a complete and total waste of my time, when I could be using my time to get some actual work done. Are you deliberately trying to lose business? Put it back the way it was before, or at least give those of us who want it the option to stick with the old system.
25th ranked -
25th ranked
Increase the size of the box in Reply email available to write in the text. This was not a problem with the old email
Increase the size of the text box by reducing the height of the other boxes on the page: AOL banner inc search bar, From box, To box, Subject line box, and Send box at bottom
54th ranked -
Extend the number of spam email addresses that I'm able to block - preferably to an unlimited amount, not just 1000 email addresses.
Extend the number of spam email addresses that I'm able to block - preferably to an unlimited amount, not just 1000 email addresses. 1000 email addresses is just a ridiculously arbitrary number. In the real world, most of us get spam from more than 1000 spammers.
54th ranked
- Don't see your idea?