Comments Issues
Notifications, sign-in, deleting comments all not working as designed

Issues should be resolved with the new commenting modal experience.
Rick commented
Notifications don't work, log in not working, profile not working, view comments new tap blacks out page, won't go further.
How about this instead of flooding the pages with ads - Fix the **** site. I've been coming here since 2005 and it's gotten worrse eve since AOL bought it. Fix it. And if you have to charges a subscription.
Rick commented
.Click screen goes black Does anyone autoblog now how to make this website work properly?
That and notificatons don't work, profile does not work, sign in does not work.
Come on get you stuff together?
john.poe commented
HELLO?!?!? What is the holdup on this?!?!
John Anonymous commented
You guys are total amateurs at maintaining the functionality of your site.
Rick commented
Come on guys - -
Rick commented
8 weeks now, no action, no suggestion and information sent. Anyone alive there?
Rick commented
Notifications not working, spins, spins spins 79 notifications showing, let it run for 30 minutes Nothing.
Also my profile does not come up. Broken for well over a month. Was asked for more information - sent it. Same computer, same windows 10, turned off ad blocker (same thing) No change with broswer, (Chrome) in other words NO **** CHANGES. Also how does someone end up with the same user nmae even though I've been here far longer? Hmmmm? Come on get this fixed or at least give me a clue. Same exact thing in EDGE.
Ray - Product Manager (Product Manager, AOL) sent return email to this address. -
Rick commented
Still not working showing 73 responses just spins spins spins. And I've sent you info 3 times.
john.poe commented
This has been broken for a solid MONTH now... please fix it. I see that I currently have 80 (eighty) notifications, but when I click on the icon to get the list of them, I just get the endless spinning wheel, so I have no idea which comment someone responded to or liked. While you're working on this, it would be nice to only get notifications for comments that have been responded to. I don't care if someone simply "liked" a comment.
Rick commented
Come on guys, get with it.
Rick commented
Still not working - you asked for info, sent it to you just click on the notification bell, spins forever, showing 58 notifications. Ever going to do anything about it?
gac commented
Going on 3 weeks now and there's still no way to check notifications. It tells you how many you have when you hover over the bell icon but then when you click to see those notifications, still just the spinning wheel. So we need to hunt through every article, through hundreds of comments to see which one of our comments someone may or may not have responded to?? Come on now! It's this way on EVERY platform- phone and desktop, on every web browser. Why is this so hard for you guys to fix??
You wish commented
Hi, I'm unable to login to the comment section from any of my devices from all browsers. I click login and the wheel just spins without opening the login window. **edit** this has been fix. TY!
gac commented
When we click on the "Notifications" icon (to see if we have responses to our posts) it just gets a spinning wheel and never actually shows the notifications. I've tried on 2 different Chrome accounts, on Safari, and even on Firefox- it doesn't work on any platform for me.
F L commented
No ability to delete a comment you posted. No ability to check notifications. Responses aren't even being emailed, either. This site was always bad with load times, and easily getting bogged down with heavy ads, forcing you to constantly kill your current session and start all over again. It's manipulative, and the articles haven't even been that great anymore, to deal with it. And if you're going to manipulate the comments section, then, there's no reason at all to visit here.
F L commented
You can't even delete a comment now.
Rick commented
Day 8. Spins, Spins, Spins shows 44 responses does nothing after 8 days.
Kevin Donovan commented
This has been going on for a LONG time. Can’t get into notifications. Can’t get into my profile. Is this ever going to be fixed?
Rick commented
You asked for more information What information. Click on bell, spins, spins, spins. 7 days now.
Rick commented
Click on bell - spins, spins spins day 7