Login Sends Me to AOL Home
Longtime member, now can't log in. If I have been banned, it would have been nice to inform me. Otherwise, something has gone wrong with the platform (AOL, no shocker).

Issue was resolved.
A A commented
Fix logging in. Almost as bad as Jalopnik's Kinda process.
Stewart Morse commented
Thank you, I thought I was going crazy. AOL /openweb, please fix the commenting section of Autoblog.
pHREADD MGan commented
pHREADD MGan commented
Even now, I can't post the comment. It says the comment box can't be blank but I typed my comment. Children.
pHREADD MGan commented
It's a terrible pricess
pHREADD MGan commented
It makes the whole experience terrible.
pHREADD MGan commented
Everything about the login process to post comments is a freaking joke! Web/browser, Android. You guys don't have a clue how to run a good comments section. Hate you for it.
Fix your ****