You need to monitor your forums. They are a cesspit of racist, anti immigrant fascist content
Monitor content. I had to swear at a commentator (called *** but take your pick, there are many espousing openly racist, anti immigrant, anti democratic ideas) when I was talking about fascism, said BETTER GET YOUR TOWEL READY FOR YOUR SHOWER alluding to the extermination of 6 million Jews in the Nazi concentration camps. You allow this sort of Anti Semitic, racist intimidation on your forum discussion? Sort it out!

tora Stone commented
Most of us do not agree with above. I know this because we discuss it on comments page.
lolabibi aly commented
Who ever you are !! it is impossible to comment on anything to do with racism especially towards blacks, however blacks can get away with racism towards white people. Why is that ? Its pathetic and who's country is it anyway!!!
Lalabibi Ali commented
I can't believe when i comment on anything that has coloured person involed, aol will not let me comment. They have no idea what on i want to say, however they block me from having my say. This is ridiculas. aol need to stop this.
JOHN COCHRAN commented
Never heard of free speech